why thank u its so much better than my washing machine cycle
if u have any thoughts on grief u would like to see a post about please let me know be it religious or spiritual or even just a how why when type thing
Being a good non-judgmental listener is a good one.
I haven't been the easiest to deal with since my husband passed away. Besides his death, there are other things piling up, too, which have caused much more stress on me than I can handle. I don't do stress very well.
Some of my friends and family have become very judgmental with me, and have "chewed me out." But then there are others who just chalk it up to "hey, she's having a hard time, I understand."
I sure do appreciate the latter much more than the former. I am not stupid...I can tell when I am not at my best. And my grief is not an excuse for me to go around offending everyone, but grief is grief and sometimes we can't think straight, and sometimes we have nowhere to turn, and sometimes we say stupid things, because that's all we can do.
I am so grateful to those people in my life who know me and love me enough to forgive me and help me when I am down and out and at my worst.
and thats the key non judgemental works cos u are not less of a person just finding it hard to make it to the daylight thru the mists that often surround us
Its so awsome to see they have a GURU now for the grief
as it is and was needed. Grief I don't think ever leaves us,
it may go for a time but you never know what is going to trigger it again, a song...a photo...a date..Bottom line is
anyone who knows you should understand its not in our power to control emotions relateing to grief. I lost my daughter
to cervical cancer, it never goes away completely, just some days are easier than others. And I don't want anyone to try
and tell me to forget ! But its nice to know theres a place where others cam relate.
Thank you for being here
Somthing that has helped me is a little poem a dear friend at church gave me. She lost her only son last December and understands the grief I'm feeling over the loss of my husband in April. I'd like to share it with you and hope it gives others some comfort. It's titled "Just Because"
Just because I no longer stand in front of your eyes
Doesn't mean you can't see me,
Close them, I am there.
Just because I no longer answer when you call my name
Doesn't mean you can't hear me
Speak softly, listen carefully.
Just because I can no longer touch your hands,
Doesn't mean you can't feel me.
Hold on to another,
My arms are there.
Just because I am no longer there to show you I love you
Doesn't mean my love is gone.
Place you hand on your heart,
Feel it's beat, I am there.
Know that I am with God, know that God is with you,
And in that we are still with
Each other.
"Just Because"