Hey all!
So I went to my counselors yesterday and guess what? I'M SO CLOSE TO MY GOAL WEIGHT!!!! I'm even more happy about it because I never thought I'd see beauty in myself at the weight I am currently. For about 3 weeks I had no clue of my weight, and though I had anxiety about it some days, on days I did not, I usually thought my body looked nice.
It's so weird to say that and actually mean it.
She was proud of me for all that I have accomplished in her weeks on vacation.
Unfortunately as our session went on she told me that her son had gotten very sick and she's taking a year off work to be with him. I'm not sure what he is sick with, but my heart goes out to her. We started talking more about what would happen with me, and guess what we decided? Her and I both felt I was in a stable enough place that I didn't need to start with a whole new counselor (which admittedly, I don't want to do, but I will if it comes to it). So...I'M GRADUATED!
I still got contact information for a different counselor and I WILL seek help from her if the time comes..but I really think I'm able to do this myself.
I've signed up for a 1 day group course on meal planning that I think will be helpful, and that's the end of it.
I also asked her what her opinion was on buying a scale so I could keep track of my weight; for as my Kung Fu gets more intensive I want to make sure I'm staying on track...plus the only time I really abused the scale that used to be in my house was years ago when I was VERY ill.
After my appointment my boyfriend and I had plans to go out to the mall, and he was proud of my accomplishments too :) I talked and explained to him my decision on buying a scale, and I was glad he supported it.
Then once shopping was done, it was time for Kung Fu!! We did a lot of sparring, and I may came out with a couple bruises, but I won ALL my matches! Some of which were two belts higher than I! I was quite proud of myself :) And the owner thinks I'm ready to get my gold belt too!! (I'm a white belt right now). I'm so very proud my body is able to do the things I want, and I love it for being so strong.
Once I got home from Kung Fu (still with the boy) we started watching Date Night, but my mom got really mad at me for something small and insignificant. She yelled a horrible name at me and I ran out of the house in hysterical tears...I was so glad he was still there. He was furious with my mother and after walking off the tears we went back to my house (my mom had gone to bed) and he cheered me up again before leaving.
So all in all, despite some of the negatives, yesterday was a pretty good day :)
I hope everyone else is doing well and thanks for ready the epically long post :P
Paige xoxo