Addicted To Texas HoldEm

I need help!!! I'm 22 years old married and have three children and I'm addicted to Texas Hold'Em. I started playing last year n now have found myself having to go to the eagles/bar to play once sometimes twice a week. It's like anything I do anymore isn't fun to me and I can't enjoy life. I then feel regret after going to play because even though I don't work I feel like my children need me more. My husband normally lets me go because it's the only place I seem to have a social life not knowing anyone here and he don't want to put up with me dealing with not going. I can tell myself I won't go n then around that time I get an urge to go if that makes since. My dad passed away when I was younger and playing with cards let me talk to men he would of been the same age as and I tend to fit in. I don't know what to do it doesn't help that my mom lives with me n goes so even if I don't go I deal with knowing that she went. I know I may sound crazy, self-centered, I just don't know where to turn.

Hi secretive,

I'm really sorry to hear about what you are going through, something like this is really difficult to fight, but it can be done. I don't think you sound crazy, or self-centered, but I do know you are someone going through a rough time. I wanted to share with you this article on gambling addiction. I think it has a lot of useful information that could help you to deal with this problem. Here is the link:

If you need someone to talk to I am here for you as well.

Take care,

Thanks you so much I will definitely be calling the number that's listed on the site as well. It's hard to find help around here as I'm in a small city n not the big ones. I don't consider it to be so much the money as the game or sometimes the social activity. I feel like instead of doing things with my husband n family like most wifes/mothers should I'm off playing poker not saying we don't do anything but I know in my heart I should be doing more n not suggesting on my anniversary like last time we go play poker. I don't know I'm just lost right now myself.

I feel your pain and glad that you are sharing your addictive gambling challenges. Yes… call the 1-800-Gambler number, they may offer you phone counseling support. I too was in a very small town, no gamblers anonymous meeting location near by. However, when I called the 1-800-gamblers, I was offered immediate help and signed up for the phone support (about 8 sessions). Stay strong - one day at a time, try to slow down on the gambling and eventually arrest the urge and need to gamble. THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS and problem gambling is just that - a big problem. Stay strong and keep posting.

Donna the Compulsive Gambler, been clean for 8 months as of today. The 19th of each month is my GA birthday. wow… it feel very good. I actually have money and gas in my truck… I also have a new job and doing very well. Making amends to people when I can and if it okay with them. Putting the past behind me and trying to move on.