Hi there. I am new here, I just found this group while browsing around trying to find someone that can relate to me. I am overwhelmed with my life,everything is getting to be too much to handle. Seems I have been saying that for years, and yet I am still here. Still trying to cope. I have struggled with prescription meds for about 15 years. I think I have been on every kind of tranquillizer, anti depressant. You name it, I have been on it. Nothing works or has worked for me. Anxiety controls my life. Pills control my life. Depression controls my life. I am currently on stress leave from work and am sitting alone in the dark hoping to find someone that maybe feels like I do.
Hey sweetie,
I may not have been on every drug under the sun, but i do know how it feels to be overwhelmed, depressed and like it's black. Sweetie how do you feel at the moment? Can you identify the feeling, is it sadness, anxious or just numbness?
Are you in therapy hun. I know depression is so hard and difficult and i think in a way pure evil, but i do think therapy is important on the road to recovery. it would be great if we could take a magic pill and all our worries would go...however life is not that simple...and talking about your worries to a professional does help.
I started therapy a few months ago, and it is the great gift i have given myself. She is wonderful in helping me figure out why I feel this way and how I can take control, although not always easy, and make life better.
Do you have family or friends you can call? Just for a chat, for some light conversation, to let some light into your life.
We are here for you hun. And we understand.
Love to you
Moongal x
Hi there. Thanks for the words. At the moment I am feeling sad and alone. My anxiety level is also way up, I don’t want to leave my house really. I just started going to therapy, but I honestly feel like a waste of time. Like I can’t be helped or fixed. Or am not worth trying to fix. I have only been there twice, and I go again tomorrow morning.I guess I will see what happens. I just want to sleep, thats all I feel like I can do to not think for awhile.
I know exactly how you feel about the sleeping thing. Sometimes it feels like the easier option. It is so great to hear you are in therapy too, it can be a long process but you will move forward believe me.
I know somedays are very tough and others manageable. But you deserve a good life and a life that you enjoy. And not one that you are existing on...but one that you dig your nails into and say "I am here how do you like me now?"
You are only getting to know your therapist at present. So just try and make sure to do all the homework assignment she has given you. And i know even some of them are difficult, but the are worth, cos they are about getting in there and getting inside you, diggin deep down, leaving no stone unturned until you find a key to unlock yourself from this.
So just please be gentle with yourself hun. You are trying i know you are, and it is waring, but it is so worth it.
Keep talking hun
Love to you
Moongal x
what kind of therapy are you getting?
and how is it going?
keep us posted!
I have been taking Ambien for over a year now, haven't upped the dose or misused it but am scared because I have taken it for so long. I don't sleep ever without it and now am afraid that if I stop, I will have seizures how do I stop safely?