An interesting read Dysfuntion in the family?

While in therapy today I was asked to figure out my role in the family, when i came across this interesting site...

Dysfunctional families are the product of an emotionally dishonest, shame based, patriarchal society based upon beliefs that do not support Loving self or Loving neighbor." - Robert Burney

"The point that I am making is that our understanding of Codependence has evolved to realizing that this is not just about some dysfunctional families, our very role models, our prototypes, are dysfunctional.

Our traditional cultural concepts of what a man is, of what a woman is, are twisted, distorted, almost comically bloated stereotypes of what masculine and feminine really are. . . . . . .

When the role model of what a man is does not allow a man to cry or express fear; when the role model for what a woman is does not allow a woman to be angry or aggressive - that is emotional dishonesty. When the standards of a society deny the full range of the emotional spectrum and label certain emotions as negative - that is not only emotionally dishonest, it creates emotional disease.

If a culture is based on emotional dishonesty, with role models that are dishonest emotionally, then that culture is also emotionally dysfunctional, because the people of that society are set up to be emotionally dishonest and dysfunctional in getting their emotional needs met.

What we traditionally have called normal parenting in this society is abusive because it is emotionally dishonest. Children learn who they are as emotional beings from the role modeling of their parents. "Do as I say - not as I do," does not work with children. Emotionally dishonest parents cannot be emotionally healthy role models, and cannot provide healthy parenting.

Our model for what a family should be sets up abusive, emotionally dishonest dynamics."


Now I would never have thought I was brought up in a Dysfuntional Family...but I guess in many families out there have elements of this...I just thought it could be interesting for some out there, it sure stopped me for a moment.

Love to you
Moongal x

Dear friend, this article describes exactly as our society is today or was yesterday. Truly, we cannot call their actions as dysfunctional, because that is the way they understood how to raise a family. Also what is acceptable in certain society, it rejected in others. Life is a complicated process. Thank you very much for our article.

Moon - I don't know a family nowadays that isn't dysfunctional!

Wow Moongal, that's quite the interesting article, thank you so much for sharing. It is most definitely thought provoking. I am blessed a million times over for being raised in such a healthy environment, where my parents both had fairly traditional roles. Though nowadays in society it is quite difficult to assess traditional and emotionally healthy roles in a relationship let alone a family. To me, lines are blurred and this creates an underlying emotional turmoil and instability.