
wood chuck

sometimes i think anger is for the young who still have tangible passions in life, its a crusade that enables them to fight for freedom the right to do something and often is an emotion that allows them to become hostage to its savage fury, anger hurts the one who uses it more than those that its aimed at

just a thought

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)


If angry is for the young & tangible passions...I want my bottle back. When I get to the nurseing home I want my blanket back...or I might get angry. lol!

"Anger" one of our human expressions when we feel separate, lonely, fearful and see life as either disconnected or separate from us and its creator. Anger/ Hatred is usually directed at those one perceives cause the conflict or separation, the fear and the mischief and so on . Anger/Hate is a product of thought and its illusions it creates. For in Truth, there are no divisions, there is no separation whatsoever. Only us humans as thinking beings create those divisions with error thought. Thats when the blessings of thought and its usefulness are misdirected and misapplied. Thought creates religions, nations, cultures, traditiions and all its contents and so on. Thought when driven by self centered ego will direct resources at its disposal to protect itself. It will create weapons, belief systems, hierarchies, labels, categories and all the other creations of thought which divide us humans. Please understand this is entirely OUR creation. There is no outside force that creates all this mischief then "Anger"

You are right "Anger" hurt and is an emotion I get angry/ hate the fact that we have prejudice, but not the people who are prejudice. Best Wishes with love!


hmm i guess that for me sorrow is the cause of all u talk about, self centered people will always try to push boundaries without any compassion for those less fortunate, its sorrow that our young have to fight wars and loose lives, just because some idiot wants four more foot of land to claim, human rights need to be fueled by those who can offer something that is more tangible than a hot flare and disasters to follow in the wake of so called good ideas,

or mayb im just a softie at heart and dont want to see the worst of anyone

but u take care

loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I feel your pain and frustration. Especially when we feel like we've been giving all of ourselves that we can, and then to feel taken advantage of or not appreciated. I do feel anger a lot, I can't watch the news because it makes me angry and sorrowful, so I quit tv altogether. Your encriptions have me curious and i am eager to help and learn more about you. Anger can be a tool to mask pain and hurt. Let a little melt away and see what can happen, with our support maybe we can make a difference that is positive in your life and to know you are not alone. Anger will eat away at your very soul and by staying angry at others or things, we are giving away all of our power to them, for they care not but you still dwell on the what ifs or what could have been. See if you can use some tools for calming and soothing, i know easier said than done but quiet meditation or just a comfort place can help you reflect on yourself and what ails you. We hope to hear back from you soon, let us know when you are in need and what we can do for you! We are all in the same boat and we shall sink or swim together, hopefully we can swim through the rough waters that lay ahead of us all..together.

Love and Light
keep us informed!

i agree on the TV bit. i get so maddened at how dreadful this world can be, how people think they can control other beings' lives.

to me the most comforting place, no matter what mood i am in, is nature and animals. just today i was so anxious and upset, then i went out crosscountry skiing, only the forest and snow and me and my dad. it was the best relief i could have had...

so all you ladies, keep concentrating on the relief, the soothing, rather than letting anger or any other negative emotions take over!


u truly do amaze me.
i dont always have the strength to help someone else when i am also in need of help
ur another selfless person ive met on here. and i mean that as a compliment.
ur the opposite of selfish.
remember to let out ur problems on here though so we can help u (:
id love to be there for u
ur a wonderful person <3

Thank you so much sweetheart, what a compliment! I appreciate your kindness, truly it means the world to me especially when I feel down. I'm doing my best with my issues and have started to let a few more people in and i hope that you can become one of them, you are a gem. Truly a good hearted soul. I hope you come back to share and I'll be on the lookout on your other posts!

love and light

i think a lot of ppl have anger issues. i see it everyday .. hell, i work at walmart. oops ... see the anger there ?
anger like fear and guilt can change your life. its controlling.
face your fears, forgive the guilt. with anger you have to accept what is. you have to realize and accept there may not be anything you can do to change it. you can however look at it differently.
maedi stated " im maddened how dreadful this world can be"

thats easy to relate to, no discussion there.
i feel the same way. however ... once again it is what it is. all we can do is make the best out of what we got and do what we can do. we cant allow our thoughts of anger to control us .... if we do we are no better than those that piss us off.


lol u made me chuckle hon, i think people go shoppin and forget the basics of life its called manners, they behave like they do which is a shame as if they could see themselves they should/would fall thru the floor

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I am so angry that I see red because I am in a dysfunctional family.
They do things to either hurt or hold you back.
I have a sibling who go along with the other, regardless if it wrong or not.
I got unloving parents believe me don't or never care to have me.
One sibling have a kid by a dude that she can run over and she think she the high light.

She have a very nasty attitude and I am fed up, my parents don't give a d** because she tearing the family apart.

This recession has done nothing but wreck havoc in my life.
I had no choice, but to stay with them.

I plan to move when I can because I can do bad by myself.
I mean they constantly complain and don't understand that we are in a recession and jobs are not quick to hire anyone especially here and find.

I apply constantly to places and I'm so down on my luck that I am very discourage by the outlook of finding anything soon.

It gotten so bad that me a grown man cries a lot because they can't understand that I have a lot of pressure on me and has crack under the pressure.

My parents are majority of my mishap because they do things to either trap or force you in a corner. You can't talk civilized or describe the problems without some type of humor or disrespectful comment and they just don't know how serious the problem is or how much pain I am in or don't care.

They make fools out of us and pit us against each other that person is a thorn, they let her dictate instead, of listening to me I m the oldest, but if I am the ignorant or stupid one why am I the one getting a degree? Why the one that excuse my language ***** so much is not trying to get a job to care for herself and her kid?

She got so, much mouth, but she not trying to do much for herself or her child and I am a man I admit I haven't help none in the situation, but how can you when you have no room to breathe or think?

I wanted to live on my own, but they so manipulative it's hard to leave.

I am happy to say that as soon as I get a job I hope they understand that I am leaving.

As long as I'm here I will never ever be happy again.

I mean if you was here you understand what I am dealing with and see the anger I have.

I got a lot of pent up anger also I don't know where to go or what to do but, I have to leave before I be behind bars.


u dont say how old u and your sibblings are but sometimes parents cant cope with adult children, they find it hard to be impartial or allow the adult child a voice or view of their own, this is something they have to work on not u

in the meantime is there other family/friends who u could stay with short term to give yourself a break from the situation?

i think it would help if u saw the doc or a therapist to talk about the issues u are feeling and that way u will have coping tools to be within that environment, as well as people u can tell imtimate things too which will aleviate your anger issues or even just get anger management before it wrecks your adult life

sadly most of us live in a dysfunctional families these days even my own isnt always sweetness and light but as my children approach their fourth decade we rub along quite happily but believe me u are not alone this recession has caused major hardship to the best of families and torn the worst futher apart then ever

why do u think your sibbling with the child acts like she does, is she scared? mayb have baby blues? has she changed since she became older she could allso be lost and need guidance and what about the silent sibbling u have

take one day at a time hon thats all u can do and please get some help for u so that u feel better

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I hear you about the anger. I have a rage in me that sees no end. The smallest things make me snap and I know what you are going through is hard. You can't possibly comment on someones life without knowing the real them. i am trying to hear your words and speak the truth to you. I know what it's like when your family gets torn apart, I'm a product of it. The rage thats inside you will not subside unless you have that inner voice that tells you to stop, but i know when it comes on it's just too late sometimes. These are much deeper rooted problems, your body tells you to do these things as a coping mechanism and that's ok too. I do a lot of my best work when i'm angry, but it is still a serious no laughing matter situation. i can't tell you to seek meds or help with the work, but I can relate when a family is manipulative and tearing you apart. rage is just another symptom of a much deeper rooted issue. keep posting, i'm interested in hearing how you are doing. Keep on hun.

love and light