I have heard alot about the book "Marry him, the case for mr good enough". and wanted to know if anyone has read it and people's thoughts on it.
Found this article about the book:
"There are many fish in the sea, goes the saying. So, why should a woman settle for any man less than perfect, when the internet can be used to spread the net far and wide?
The trouble is, no man can ever offer perfection (nor any woman, for that matter.)
That's the realization that finally hit Lori Gottlieb.
Now 40 years old and counting, Gottlieb came to the conclusion that Mr. Right doesn't seem to be out there after all, and so it is time to lower the bar.
And she shares her conclusions in her honest book, "Marry Him : The Case For Settling for Mr. Good Enough."
When she realized that Mr. Right didn't seem to be on the horizon, Gottlieb started looking at her dating habits, and those of the women around her.
Gottlieb's conclusion : women want it all, and want it now.
And they are not prepared to compromise on their list of all the traits needed by their ideal mate.
Gottlieb's own Mr. Right list had 51 targets that her ideal mate had to meet. (Good grief!)
It's not so much that women aren't prepared to settle. It's more a case of women refusing to recognize that their vision of the perfect match doesn't come close to reality."
You can see the whole story here: http://www.tillsonburgnews.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2728552