Any websites out there to help my loved ones understand what

Any websites out there to help my loved ones understand what I’m going through … like why I “allow it”. Actually why do I allow it. I can’t control what he says or does yet … do I allow it ? Please Lord, Please mom, I kmow you see me from up there , please send me a sign on what to do, please give me strength , power, insight , a backbone , a spine , a… something ! Anything

You are not allowing it, you are a victim of a possible crime. Harassment, threats, verbal abuse can be grounds for stay away order, which also protects your friends/family. We often grow up with abuse and do not even recognize it. We were not taught proper coping skills to protect ourselves. Educate yourself. Reach out for free professional support. The only thing you can control is if he has access to you. The more you pull away, the more he may escalate. Stay safe.

@andine ty so much! So so much for caring !

From Personality Disorders to Narcissist Abuse and Trauma