Anyone else have the problem of their posts only posting abo

Anyone else have the problem of their posts only posting about 1/4 of the time? I was in cutting crisis mode last night ("posted" about 21 hours ago that I really was needing to cut but didn't want to lose my best friend over it), and it never did post. And yes I know how to post a comment on Ended up not cutting--took some pain pills to knock me out and went to bed instead. Not the healthiest option, but I didn't cut and still have my best friend. Guess that's what counts.

Yes, I had trouble posting last night also. I also had trouble posting 4 days ago. This site does that sometimes. Which is not good for a site that helps people in crisis.

Really? I would say I agree then. Thanks for your response (no pun intended).

Yes, it seems sometimes my posts don't show, but worse my responses don't show. Sometimes it shows that someone posted 24 hours ago with no responses I know I did. I don't know if private messaging works any better? Worth a try

PS glad it worked out

Thanks for the support and pm advice Namaste250. That's a good idea.