Bad head cold two days after chemo

I can't breathe, my eyes are dry and watery if that is even possible, I ache, my throat is sore And overall, I feel like crap.... Including stomach issues. Anny suggestions for relief? I'm told to stay away from hot food and liquids the first 48 hours lest I get mouth sores...

Are you running a fever? My concern is that chemo causes a low white blood count that fights off infections, colds, etc. It's super important not to get sick.

I'm sure the stomach stuff is a reaction from the chemo, but I don't know of any reason you should have a sore throat unless something else is at play here.

My husband has hot foods and drinks and hasn't had any of the mouth sores. If you could drink some hot tea or have some warm soup, that would be my suggestion.

If it persists, I'd call the doc tomorrow to make sure those are normal reactions from chemo.

Hope you feel better soon!

Do you have allergies? During my entire time of chemo my allergies were worse and felt like I had a cold. I take Zurtec everyday and do a little Neddi Pod for my nose.
You can most definitely have hot stuff like soup and tea, I don't see where that would cause mouth sores or at least I never heard of that. Try cold fruit smoothies too. Do you have a cough? If you are running a fever, please call your doc.
Take care of yourself and get some rest.

Thanks everyone... I will keep you posted, my mom a nurse is on her way here... I'm so lucky!

Btw, not totally sure why I can't have hot foods. Think it is time to get my favorite noodle soup and let it do it's thing. And no fever as far as I can tell, but ima bad judge of these things. Stomach issues are expected, but ive never really had allergies... First time for everything. Stupid cancer....

My chemo nurse told me that cold drinks and foods in the first 48 help to prevent mouth sores because it decreases blood flow, and as such chemo exposure, to the mouth. I'm guessing that warm drinks and foods do the opposite by increasing blood flow to the mouth.

The nurse went so far as to give me a big cup of ice to eat while administering one of the chemo drugs to try and reduce the chance of getting mouth sores.

Hope you feel better soon Cali.

Just the idea of chemo is making me nauseous.... :(

That happens to my husband! If I even mention going to chemo he goes green.

OH, I hear that! I have my last treatment in a few days and it totally makes me sick thinking of it. It takes me a good week or 9 days after chemo before I can even slightly talk about the process.

I drank tea and ate soup while taking chemo and I never got any mouth sores, but everyone is different. Cali if you have a fever go to the doc quick.

Cali and Greg's wife - I finished my chemo treatments this past April and I still get queasy when I think about it. Up until last month, I couldn't even walk into the hospital without just the smell making me sick. None of the anti-nauseau meds really worked at all for me - I was sick from the minute I could taste the saline and heparine when they flushed out my port right after taking my blood(before chemo even started!!) and it lasted the rest of that day and most of next. I'm actually making myself queasy just typing this email.

My chemo treatments were on Wednesday mornings. I had to stop eating on Tuesday after lunch, and had nothing to eat or drink on Wednesday morning. I still got sick, but it wasn't quite as bad and it didn't last as long. Kinda hard to keep getting sick when there's nothing left to give back.

Gregswife, tell your husband it does get better. Things do drag on as you get closer to the end, but it's all worth it. Chemo ended for me in April, and I was done with radiation in May - and I have felt great ever since. My energy level is great, I'm back to working out, have no lingering effects from the drugs, and I actually feel 10 years younger than I did right before I was diagnosed. Most days that whole mess feels like nothing more than just a bad dream...

Good Luck!!

Oh pete... My stomach is so upset right now from chemo in Friday. I have to work today and I feel like crying. I threw up last night and I continue to feel terrible. I have a long road ahead.

I feel for you Cali - hope your boss and coworkers are as understanding for you as mine were for me.

Stay strong and don't give in! We're here for you if you need to vent....


So sorry you are feeling sick. I totally can relate. Effin Cancer!
I was wondering if you explored the option of disability pay? My employer allowed me to work only when I can (which is about 16 hours a week) then I claimed disability for the rest of the time I couldn't. This really helped me out financially. I take it you live in Cali (as do I)? It was pretty easy to get set up in the system and you will need your dr. to fill out the form from State Disability.
I hope your employer is working with you on this and understands how chemo can affect your body.
Try to drink plenty of fluids (i know easier said than done) but it will help with the nausea if you are well hydrated.

Hope you feel better soon!

I haven't really looked into it as I know my pay would be drastically reduced, my son wouldn't be able to go to his school anymore because more than likely i would lose my place. Also, we have a shoestring staff, so if anyone at any time is gone, the others have to fill in... One managing editor, one arts editor, one writer. It's like a three legged stool...

I feel lost.

At doc to get chest X-ray for green flem... :(

Please don't feel lost. These things have their way of working out. Have you tried talking to your work about working from home? Disability is 65% of your GROSS pay and you don't pay any taxes so you might want to check it out. If you need help or would like more info, let me know.
UGGH **** colds. I hope you get better and they can give you something for the this. Please let us know how you are doing.

Uh oh! Let us know what they say! Hang in there.

I started treatment 1 on Friday. The weekend wasn't too bad, but come Monday and since I've felt like a train wreck. Achy all over, incredibly sore throat (don't think it is mouth sores though) and weakness like I've never felt before. No fever and thank goodness no severe nausea so far (those meeds are so far so good for me). I hear the stomach issues are hard to avoid with chemo, so I'm just trying to stick with the recommendations from the Dr. to keep them as mild as possible, but it is still not comfortable. Let us know if you are feeling better.

Just thinking of you and hope you are feeling better.

Hey Cali,

Just hoping you are doing better. Please let us know how things are going when you feel up to it.