I have done everything to try to make others ok around me. But nothing works. Actions or things I did before being diagnosed were not out of the norm for me to do and every one was ok with it. Now since being labeled with paranoid schizophrenia I have that label I do not want and it is never going any where. And now when I do things or act a certain way it is the illness and I must be messed up. I hate being judged. So no matter what I do it is going to be labeled as I am fucked up right now and misunderstood, but no one tells me this tell it is to late. I will never be able to get away from this label and I do not want to be looked at and made fun of or judged due to a stupid *** illness. I wish I would have never told the few I work with that I have this illness but once I found out I thought it was the right thing to do and tell them I was sorry for what I put them thru. How do you fight the label like this. I know why people commit suicide. It may be a rash decision that they can not take back, but I see why.
Hi k9trnr247
The public often believes that since the troubled person refused or is seeking to seek treatment, they "deserve what they got", another evidence of stigmatization or "labled". True people are prejudice and don’t care; or understand the injury the individual had in seeking treatment. Again “It is only when cases the untreated mentally ill individual creates the sort of violence that makes headlines”…than gee I/we question what was the trigger too the final snap. Labling is cruel...it is true and unforunate it's with you forever...and can be so harsh. I wish I could give much guidance and inspiration, what you do with that... but my own experience...is a very bad snake pit of it's own.
Hi k9trnr247
Unfortunately, stigma towards sufferers of Mental Ill Health is still in the dark-ages, more so in small rural communities...It would seem that it is more acceptable to be Gay, have a Criminal record, or be a Drug user, than to suffer from any form of mental ill health.
Unfortunately 1 in 4 of us will suffer from some form of Mental Illness at some stage in our lives, and my personal opinion is to keep quite about it, unless you are strong enough and have the support of family and friends and relevant organizations to cope and integrate yourself into society and try to make a difference to help and support others less fortunate than yourself.
Please take care, look after yourself and be lucky in life and always remember - You Are Not Alone... You won't be the first or the last, many famous people have suffered before such as Winston Churchill, Van Gogh, Stephen Fry to mention just a few.
Best Wishes!
It is just really hard to deal with at times. If I had a choice at the time I would have not said anything. But for many years I put these people thru so much with me and they did not know that I had an issue and they were there to help me so I thought I owed it to them to apologize for putting them thru so much. I never thought they would turn like they did. It really hurt. But I understand it, but that does not make it ok with me or make it any easier when they act the way they do towards me and then also anything I do now is due to the illness when no it is jsut me. I like to think I give good advice on this site and need to take my own advice too. I am hard to be around due to not really outspoken at all but most people may think of me kind of stubborn and ****** at times. Now I knwo jsut let people think that in my mind it is better.As for family and friends really no support. In a way I am on my own. I know others out there understand what I go thru in a way and that is what I do like about this site.
Thank you