Blood vs. water = heartbroken me

I was recently involved with a man that was everything that I wanted. I (still) love him. We have known each other for nearly 2 yrs but only "dated" for the last 6 mos. It took a long time for us to start a relationship because we've both been hurt in the past. We were both afraid but couldn't deny that we seemed to be exactly what we were looking for in a partner. Once we started dating, things were great. It was a long distance relationship, but we made every effort to see each other often and we were already talking marriage. We both have jealousy issues and although there were communication issues in the beginning, we were doing so well at working through them. The problem, he is an incredible person and would literally give you the shirt off his back. He can also get angry and hold a grudge. I believe the saying goes, "high tolerance, short fuse". For instance, we had a minor disagreement that could've been easily solved with just a little communication, but instead he said "I'm not going to argue, it's over". I was shocked but eventually he called and said he was sorry and had overreacted. I explained that those words shouldn't be used carelessly because to me words like that start to break down the bond that we have worked so hard to build. Fast forward, we're back together and happy but his brother and him are inseparable.

I somehow managed to get drawn into a family situation that made me see his brother in a completely different and extremely negative light. In fact, I honestly don't trust the guy at all and I'm surprised that my boyfriend put up with his antics. I understand the "blood is thicker than water" bond, but at one point there was a situation involving his brother that directly affected me and when he confronted his brother, the brother's response was "you aren't going to let a woman come between us, are you?". Please understand that I have made every effort to be supportive and understanding of their relationship and although I don't care for the brother, I never complained when we were constantly interrupted during our visits, or when our phone calls were cut short because the brother wouldn't stop talking to him while he was on the phone with me. My bf bends over backwards for his brother and gives in to anything the brother wants but the brother is very selfish and does nothing even remotely close in return. I know I make my bf happy, but lately things had taken a turn for the worse when the brother's (ex)wife left him again (with good reason). The brother's self-pity resulted in constant drinking and that resulted in him needing my bf to help him. During one phone call between my bf and I, his brother called 6 times. I didn't say a word, not even when my bf mentioned that he had to make up some excuse to get off the phone. My thoughts (though kept to myself) were, "why couldn't he tell him he was on the phone with me and that me reason enough to talk to him later". Again, I didn't say anything and just cherished what little time we had to talk. The following day, he and his brother spent the entire day together and although he said he would call me that morning I didn't hear from him. I texted him during the day and he responded but he was short which is not uncommon when he's with his brother. That evening, he called but was going to help his brother with something around the house before he headed home and said he would call when he got home. I never heard from him. I called him in the early morning when I woke up and realized he hadn't called but he didn't answer.

I ended the relationship by saying that I looked at this behavior as a sample of what my life would be like if he and I continued our relationship and eventually got married as planned. He and his brother live very near each other. These are 2 grown men. His brother's constant neediness bothers my bf but he doesn't like conflict and doesn't want to hurt his brother's feelings, but he hurts mine every time he acts completely different in his brother's presence. I had mentioned before that I didn't see us being able to have a life of our own because his brother had such a huge impact on his life which meant a huge impact on my life. I had also mentioned to him in the past that I didn't think I would be able to compete with his brother for his attention, to which he promised me that I wouldn't have to. Of course, this was before he completely blew me off after spending the day with his brother. They've both been in bad relationships and have suffered through a bad childhood as a result of their mother. My bf knew that I would never hurt him but he couldn't bring himself to tell his brother to give us our time. Again, we were in a long distance relationship so it's not as if we were together every moment.

They, on the other hand, lived practically right next to one another and worked together. The brother has never spent any time alone. Although older, he went from home to his wife, to his next wife, and in between the wives he always came running to my bf if he found himself without a woman. He doesn't hesitate to leave my bf for a woman, but he literally will not give us a moments peace when I'm around unless he has company or is out of town. I knew that this type of relationship would drive me nuts because I really resent the fact that his brother seems to take him for granted so often and demand so much of him, but won't give him his space so that he can spend time with the woman he wants to marry. I also found myself increasingly bothered by the fact that my bf wouldn't stand up to him. He always gave in, regardless of how he really felt about the situation. This is the same guy that dropped me like a hot potato when he was upset about a disagreement we had. Needless to say, I figured I needed to "read the writing on the wall" so to speak and because I knew I couldn't expect him to choose between me and family, I made the choice for him so he wouldn't have to. I ended things.

I feel horrible because I really love him and I know he loves me, but I also know better than to think that this will ever change. I feel horrible because I feel like he's being punished for being a good brother, but I really think that even though his intentions were good, he was being more of an enabler than anything. The brother cried, he jumped. Example, my bf took his brother in when his brother left his wife. They made up and rather than get a place of their own, they moved into my bfs house. My bf moved to give them their privacy but continued to pay the rent! My bf can have plans laid out for something he wants to do and he can be super excited about it (most recently, his new land where we were planning to build our house) but his brother will "suggest" doing things a different way and my bf will abandon the plans he was so excited about just to avoid conflict or confrontation with the brother. This is the ONLY person he's like this with. I know they've been through a lot together, but wouldn't his brother be supportive of our relationship if he wanted him to be happy? I miss him so much, but I feel like I can't live my life knowing that he'll keep his word every single time assuming his brother isn't involved. I'm so disappointed because for the first time in a LONG time I actually trusted this person and he trusted me. Our ONLY problem was that his brother was ALWAYS coming between us and usually on purpose and my bf wouldn't stop it from happening.

Am I wrong to feel the way that I feel? I don't want him to feel like I abandoned him, but I felt abandoned when he allowed his brother to be such a thorn in our relationship. We're adults and his brother is alone because he's pushed his wife away repeatedly. My bf shouldn't have to hold his hand through the difficult times that he brings on himself. Is this normal behavior? Am I the one that's wrong? I'm heartbroken, but so afraid that this would've happened eventually either way and better to end it earlier than later. However, I spend all day every day wishing I could talk to him, wondering how he's doing. I'm so sad without him, but I can't expect him to change and he's been catering to his brother nearly his whole life (only when he was out of the country with the military did he not). Oh, did I mention his brother has even hooked up with my bf's ex?? Who does that?? Why can't I just accept my losses and get over it?

Hi Just Jane, I am sorry for what you are going through and for how you are feeling. I think that you are very smart for knowing that this is how your life would be and making a decision sooner rather than later that this is not how you would like to live your life. Blood is definitely thicker than water and I know of many very close sibling relationships and they can't be tampered with. It's either you have to accept it as-is or move on, because trying to force your boyfriend to change his relationship with his brother may only cause him to resent you down the road. So, as difficult as I know that it may be now, I think that you are saving yourself a world of heartache down the road. Please know that we are here for you, here to "listen" and help in any way that we can. Please keep sharing.

Thank you for replying. I’m up again, because I can’t sleep an entire night without waking up thinking about all of this. I guess what I just can’t seem to understand is why he would be so devoted to someone that treats him so differently. His brother is not a very nice person, and he has routinely caused conflict in my bf’s life not to mention relationships. I would’ve done anything for him and we were happy together. He was often frustrated by his brother’s behavior, but wouldn’t even consider standing up to him, although as a person my bf isn’t what I would consider an extremely passive person. It seems that he, for whatever reason, just takes from his brother what he would never take from anyone else.

I never wanted nor expected him to do anything except let his brother see that he was going to worry more about his own happiness for once. I know my bf knows that this “bond” with his brother is toxic for him and any relationship he has. Just before I ended things, we were discussing the fact that his brother continued to call him repeatedly while we were on the phone just because he was alone and bored. My bf commented that this was why he “hated relationships” because even when he didn’t screw them up, they were screwed up for him". My bf wasn’t feeling well during the last few days of my most recent visit, and his brother knew this but rather than leave him alone so he could rest, he called repeatedly or showed up and made statements like “get up and get moving, you’ll feel better”. His brother is a heavy drinker and my bf is not, but it seems like every time they spend any amount of time together my bf drinks too because if he opts not to his brother won’t stop pushing him. I love him and I hate that this relationship he has seems so one-sided. I make myself sick thinking about how he’s allowing this person (his brother) to come between us in such a huge way. It blows my mind that this sort of thing happens between adult siblings. It’s as if his brother feels that if he’s alone, my bf should be too and if the brother isn’t alone then my bf should be just in case. It’s so hard for me to trust people and I trusted him. I’m so afraid that this was my one shot at an honest caring relationship and it’s over because the people that are supposed to care about him the most would rather interfere than allow him to be happy just because it isn’t what works best for them.

I haven’t heard from him since telling him that I couldn’t keep doing this. I had to tell him that in a message, because he never called me the day he spent with his brother. I’m sure that he and his brother are just going on about their lives while I’m devastated and miserable. I know he knows how much I love him, why would he allow me to feel so much pain just because his brother is lonely? How can he so easily walk away from the happiness that we had without even saying he’s sorry? I hate this feeling. Thank you so much for listening, I feel stupid talking to other people about this because I’ve never been one to get so attached to something that was apparently so optional to him. Typically, I would see this for what it is and accept that it wasn’t right. I just can’t believe I could’ve been so wrong about our relationship.

Jane, please know that I am here for you and here to "listen" so please share as much as you would like to and whatever you feel comfortable sharing. I completely understand where you are coming from and how devastated you must be right now, but very unfortunately your ex-boyfriend has to see all of this for himself and he has to stand up to his brother on his own. You don't ever want him resenting you or blaming you for the potential demise of their relationship. And, if he is willing to allow his brother to come between the two of you, then it may be better for you to continue moving forward without him. I think that you did the right thing by standing up for yourself and what you want for your future. The way that things were progressing would make for a very difficult future.