
I have decided to divorce, my husband doesn't knw this 4 sure he thinks I'm just trying to threaten him to piss him off,but I 've had it,I thought things would change after he quit drinking,but it's been a yr &7mos & he's still misserable, yelling at our kids especially our 9yr old he has ADHD & my husband refuses to believe it so he yells at him & me & what he has done to me he is doing to our 16yr old holding us down while he says we can do what we want,well I want a divorce,but I have no money,job,or housing,right now can anyone give me advice as to what I should do or how to get a divorce?

I need help I feel like I can't spend another moment with my husband,I want out of this marriage & don't knw how to.

I don’t have advise on how to get help because I am just learning this process myself. My husband was a drinker and a yeller too. i stayed with him thinking it was best for our kids but i can now see it was not a healthy environment for the kids or for me. Please do what you need to do for the sake of the kids and for your well being. I know it seems like their is no where to go but the more people you talk too the more help and support you will get. Good luck and God bless.

Father, my spouse has chosen to break the vow made before you, our families and friends at our wedding. My heart is heavy and my soul aches. I pray that you give me the courage and strength to go through this divorce with dignity, self respect and the knowledge that you are always with me. Amen.

Never stay in a toxic relationship!

From Romantic Relationships to Divorce & Separation