Distancing myself

Ever since I got diagnosed with cold sores or medical term hsv-1 orally I have been distancing myself away from friends and people I know. I believe the reason is because I would rather do that than get hurt by rejection. I can't fully embrace what I have because people are not going to embrace it. I know I shouldn't distance myself, but some people aren't just going to accept my condition. I feel like it's better for them than myself so they don't feel uncomfortable when I'm around knowing I have hsv-1.

hi..im not trying to minimize your pain..but its alot more common that ya think..not to mention..im sure your friends arent gonna freak out...its far more important to accept it yourself than worry about what other people think..that said..i know its not possible..i know its important to be accepted..i just want ya to know that its quite common...and your friends arent gonna freak out and run away...if ya wanna talk..hit me up...it feels good to get it out...trust me :)

also to add some light to HSV 1 vs HSV 2, being YOU know, you can/will do as you see fit, and can/will protect others. the majority of ignorant people around you will see it as a "cold sore" not knowing its medical name of "Oral Herpes" and won't even be phased. Genital Herpes has a much worse stigma attached to it.

with you being "In The Know", you have all the control on how to keep from passing it on.

just the other day, i met a friend's mother. she's in her 60's. she always greets with a peck lip to lip. my eye caught a healing blister on her lip which was covered by lipstick while chatting with her. yes, she had the audacity to kiss and not bad an eye! knowing what i do, she was too fast and there was contact. Que Sera Sera i suppose. i'm not going to worry about what i cannot control. i will just be more aware every time i encounter her.

that being said, carry on... it's all about you and i'll be willing to bet ya, nobody will know except you and you have full control of it.

most people who DO know about HSV 1 are better educated and aware. they will surely see the beauty of YOU and not judge you by a mere boo~boo on your lips.

the rest of the world who reject you probably Do Not walk upright anyhow...

I've been there!!!

For a few years I distance myself from everyone!!! I broke up my band and everything!!! I came far ways since than and working up the carriage to test the waters now!!! I hope one day you get here, its not easy though because I got mixed emotions and thoughts run wild brought my head!!! I'm brave at one moment and than paranoid the next!!! That's why I wish to have someone in life I can trust and talk too!!! Hang tough!!!

Thanks for all of the encouraging responses I am hanging tough but I do have mixed feelings inside of me from time to time I'm glad to meet such great people here! :)

With 80% of the population carrying the Herpes virus in one form or another it is nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of the present generation Herpes virus' come from adults they know giving it to them. Not in a sexual way but when an adult with the virus kisses a baby or toddler they end up giving it to the child. This is a vicious virus and it hides inside our cells, sometimes dormant for many years. Please don't feel bad, sometimes things are out of our control even when we try to control them.

A kid from Oregon.

I don't know how true that is!!! Herpes is herpes!!! No one wants it and once you get it its a life changer for sure!!! I'm happy it's HSV 1i got don't get me wrong,but I got the same fears, lonleyness and depression you do!!! We are in the same boot!!!

Sweet Girl 90

I love your posts and think you outta be proud of who you are for dealing with everything you do!!! There's two things I notice about you

1. You have a Hugh heart and I do believe you have lots of love to give!!!

2. You have beautiful insight and view things with real heart emotion!!!
Those qualities make a person strong!!!

Thanks everyone and Jef75d, I agree with you herpes is herpes no one wants to have it either way. I would have never predicted I would get the virus. I've gone through a lot though. I went through an emotionally abusive 5 year relationship got out of it 2 years ago and who figured that would be the person who gave me herpes. I'm under going chemotherapy for a tumor I had for 3 years going on 4. Luckily it is non cancerous but still is painful. I want others to see they can be strong too and it sure is not a walk in a park that's why I'm here and that's why I'm glad to meet such outstanding people who are so willing to help each other. I wished everyone in the world was like that.

I remember that feeling the day I found out I cried my eyed out told my best friend and I gave myself one day to feel sorry for myself. If you have a good support system of friends that help you through it, my best friend told me he had a friend who dated a woman for ten years that has herpes and he never got it and it was ok. He also told me if someone does not wanna deal with you because of it forget them and move on. The social stigma behind herpes is what makes it hard to deal with it because people do not know or wanna understand this virus. Let them
ignorant. So many people have it and don't know, it is very common, I rather know then not know. It Will get better every day I promise

very common..plus you arent always in outbreak...so its not like any person you are intimate with is going to get it plus there are much much better contraceptives that prevent transmission so honestly iots not as bad as it used to be..you will find someone who loves you for you and wont care one bit I promise.

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