Divorce or Stay when are the lies too much to live with

He is so good at lying to my face. What kind of husband is that? I don't know what to do. HELP!

Hi Nanc, I am sorry about what's going on with your husband lying to you. If he is drinking or using, he has to be the one to be willing to stop and help himself. For yourself, have you ever gone to Alanon - http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/ ? Alanon is for loved ones of alcoholics. There is also Naranon - http://www.nar-anon.org/ which is for loved ones of addicts. Whether to stay with him or not, only you can decide that. Please keep sharing. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

Hi Nanc,
I am new to this so bear with me, please. My husband is addicted to heroin and lies most of the time. Things are getting worse I feel. I have decided to stay with him because I believe he will one day be clean. I knew him before he started using and I long for that person to return. The lying is really bad and while I understand I can not FIX him or even get him to admit he has relapsed, somehow the lying is the absolute worse thing for me.

Do you feel that way? If they just be honest about things, you would be able to cope better? Maybe I am asking too much.