Do you get a breakout everyone you have sex?

Do you get a breakout everyone you have sex?

No you need lube...and a lot if it. The friction may be causing it.

1 Heart

Never had a breakout but found i needed lube

1 Heart

@lisajd what lube do you use??

I always take a Valtrex after sex because I was always getting an outbreak after sex. Best time for suppression therapy

If ur on valtrex does that medicine have any sideeffects that u may feel. I was thinking of asking my Dr to change me from acyclovir (notsureifispelled that right

@Unlucky30 Valtrex is similar to what you are on, it’s just a newer and better version of it. I don’t feel any side effects, but I have been on them for awhile so my body is probably used to it. I would highly recommend it, also highly recommend suppression therapy to ward off outbreaks. I take one every time I feel a little tingle there. Otherwise it ends up in an outbreak

What is suppression therapy smh..

@Unlucky30 Suppression therapy is like preventative medicine. You take it before you have an outbreak. Most people will take it daily so that the virus does not come out, or comes out less often

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