Does anyone else struggle with basic things like doing dishe

Does anyone else struggle with basic things like doing dishes, making your bed, doing laundry, vacuuming and dust? I don't care how old I get I struggle at these things. I was thinking about this, this morning as I am struggling to get through my full sink of dishes and get my laundry done because its one of the few days off I get. Logically I know that these are things that alot of functioning human beings do every single day--not once a week like me, but I can't ever seem to get in a habit of doing them regularly. I work a lot and I have very little time, which doesn't help any, but it makes me feel like a terrible adult when I let them sit. I hope that I am not the only one.

3 Hearts

I do them, but it isn't like I enjoy it, I just hate scrubbing them when the food hardens. But I totally get it, it isn't fun.

I recently leaned that when food hardens or sticks to a pan that you fill the pan with water, let it boil, then take a scrub brush and it comes out. Its a good life hack why aren't they teaching this in schools lol.

P yea, of course most people struggle with the dishes of Evil. If you have your own home though, have a container full of soapy water and just drop the plates in there. But I find washing pots right away after cooking is key. Like before you even eat the food you make, I wash the pot because visually they feel overwhelming to wash. But you talking abiut ut reminded me! I have to do laundry and vinegar my floor today x.x Ive been listening to thus song called "cinderella" by the cheetah girls (2000s nostalgia?) to motivate me. Do you have a song like that that motivates you def put it on :D

2 Hearts

I just thought at 38-years old I would have my life more together than I do. I just never seem to have the energy to keep up on anything these days. I am trying not to feel guilty about it but it seems like everyone I know is better able to balance their lives than I am.

@MagiaMoonlight lol yeah. relateable. but they didnt live your life. Sometimes just making sure youve had a good lunch is a big accomplishment. Maybe you can pick one major task to do today, and that can be the major goal. Like Im just going ti get the swiffer mop, and put on music. And eventually I might even start mopping. So just walking over to the task can help.

Perhaps your “mental plate” is already full, much like if you load a food plate full of food, then even adding a pea would make it roll off as it can’t be accommodated.
So in the same vein, perhaps you have a lot of thoughts/worries/fears/anxieties etc., in your mind and so dealing with certain things which may seem to you to be trivial/rudimentary compared to the thoughts etc., that you have, is hard.

If this sounds like it might be true for you, addressing the thoughts in your mind can free you of this situation. You will probably also discover other benefits to carrying out this process.

Comparison and judgment are two of the most corrosive & detrimental things people do to themselves. Assumptions and expectations are two more things that do not help people.
These things are what a great many people do, but you don’t have to do engage in these things and your life will be exponentially better if you can avoid them.

There is also the aspect that what you see from other people may not be what is actually going on.

1 Heart

I’m so glad you posted your reply about comparison and judgement -def do kill every person’s ability to just feel good about themselves.
I’ve spent decades comparing and I hate it.
I’ve always hated trying to keep up with sibling family members, SIL’s, the snowbirds semi-retirees running off to their beautiful 2nd home /condo to ‘avoid all that icky awful rain and overcast’…omg. It’s one thing if you are humble about it but these humans I know, are NOT. *
I’ve had to reorganize my entire family mbr connection due to this ridiculous MATERIALISM-attitude they’ve all taken on (even tho they came from very humble childhoods!) I now find myself not being able to even sit next to them or even do Social bc of all the sh
t pics they post about their ‘posessions’…
The hysterical thing is: they have immaculately Clean houses bc they HIRE Housekeepers to do it all!! So sick of the hypocracy. I spent my 20-30s plus raising kids myself w part time jobs at night, doing all the nurturing, expected Mothering SKILLS to let them know how important they were, teaching them how to ‘love their fellow man’ etc…golden rule stuff --WHO had time to keep up with a million dishes, dust, floors, like my house was ever going to be 'PHOTO-OP ready?? Sorry, just not important as LIFE IS TOO SHORT!!!
Yeah I’m triggered!

When I discovered the many things that I did during my attempt to help myself, one of the truths I came to see is that “There is no actual definition or determination as to who/what is right, on a great many things”. It’s all just opinions, beliefs, ideas and not facts, on a great many subjects.
And people do not suffer from facts. People only suffer from opinions and the various other imaginary things that only exist in the mind.

Once I learned this, I saw that I was not actually ill or dysfunctional as I had been led to believe and that the people in white coats with letters after their names who had been trying to help me didn’t actually know much about the mind (they still don’t) and so what they were telling me were just a bunch of opinions and nothing more.

If you can stop looking at others, how they live etc., you will probably feel more relaxed, calmer and more content. In addition, what life is really like for other people may not be as it seems from the outside, so even if they have expensive & shiny stuff and clean houses, doesn’t mean they have peace in their minds and rewarding, loving relationships, or contentment in their lives.

True peace and happiness can only be found in your mind, regardless of anything external.

A person can have continuous peace and happiness, living in a simple empty shed, with little to no possessions and be in the middle of nowhere. Nothing can stop that state of mind, except the person allowing suffering to come back into their mind.
Suffering is what stops everyone from experiencing the happiness that they already have, but it is blocked/hidden by the suffering.
When a person removes all suffering, what is left is a state of continuous peace and happiness, no matter what happens externally.

1 Heart

Added retirement and removed stressful-life-events

Removed Mental Health, Relationships

It’s kind of similar for me but different, my mind usually calms down, when i keep things going, the better I’m control/perfect, the better i feel, so even if my body feels like shit… i prefer doing them…