Does anyone know if my back pain could be because of my pcos

does anyone know if my back pain could be because of my pcos? i have gone to many drs about this and none of them have mentioned it but i was just thinking that i was just diagnosed with pcos at the begining of the week so the drs wouldnt have known.

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Is this something you could bring up in your next appointment? Keep us updated

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yes! i have an appointment tomorrow to discuss my pcos more.

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So she put me on birth control and asked to see me in a month. So progress!

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It is possible. Many people who have PCOS have problems with joints, inflammation in muscles, or back pain. PCOS is a metabolic hormonal disorder so if your body is not absorbing vitamins and nutrients probably you can experience other problems. I have arthritis and carpal tunnel which my doctor says it made worse by my PCOS because I'm not absorbing vitamins correctly. Plus the extra weight that is impossible to lose makes the arthritis worse. Ask your doctor.

1 Heart

@Jdyankee thanks! That was helpful!