Doing It Scared

Fear is always hovering in our lives. It’s the knot in our stomach before a big presentation, the doubt that creeps in when we’re faced with a new challenge, and the voice in our head that tells us we’re not good enough. But here’s the hard truth, fear robs us of progress, it steals our dreams, and sabotages our potential.

The thing about fear is, it’s not real. At least, not in the way we often perceive it to be. Fear is just a feeling—a primal instinct designed to keep us safe from harm. It’s a leftover relic from our caveman days, when danger lurked around every corner and survival was uncertain.

But in the modern world, fear has taken on a new form. It’s no longer just about avoiding physical danger; it’s about avoiding discomfort, uncertainty, and failure. It’s the fear of rejection, the fear of embarrassment, and the fear of not measuring up to society’s standards. And it’s this fear—the fear of the unknown—that holds so many of us back from reaching our full potential.

So, what’s the solution? How do we live our life, knowing we can’t banish fear completely, but live our life to its fullest anyway? The answer is: we do it scared.

No, that doesn’t mean you ignore your fears and pretend they aren’t there like the proverbial elephant in the room. No, you acknowledge they are there and then face them and say, “I see you, I feel you, but if you don’t mind, I am going to do this anyway.” Instead of letting fear dictate what we do, we take back the power and move forward anyway.

Fear is like a bully, ignore them and they do not go away, they just get more bold. They thrive on attention and fear. When we stand up to them, they hesitate, we have robbed them of their power. When we show fear that we are willing to do hard things, we reclaim control of our lives.

Taking action when we’re scared is easier said than done. It requires courage, determination, and a willingness to embrace discomfort. But the rewards are more than worth it. Each time we push past our fear and take action, we grow stronger, more resilient, and more confident in our abilities.

And here’s the best part: the more we face our fears, the less scared we become. It is like going on a zip line when you are afraid of heights (true story), the first time was terrifying, the second, less so, the third and onward, thrilling and just a pinch scary. The more we face our fears and take action despite them, the more we realize that we are capable of far more than we ever thought possible.

So, the next time you find yourself faced with fear, remember this: fear is just an illusion. It’s a trick of the mind designed to keep you small and safe. But you are not small, and you are not meant to play it safe. You are capable of greatness, of courage, and of overcoming any obstacle that stands in your way. So go ahead, do it scared. Your future self will be all the better for your bravery.

All the best,

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Sometime we fear what might happen The what ifs . It seems to be the worse sort of fear.

Exactly, but what if we changed the what if fear into the: what if it is amazing…?

As someone told me last week Hope is Hold on Pain Ends .

We love that saying, apparently its a Country Song too.