Easter is supposed to be remembrance of gods son dying for the son of man. I may be dissociated n had very strong drink but I see it all as a joke. I finally figured out what believe. I see it how it is. I see actions n words that don't match n wonder why. A pastor who grooms n gropes a broken girl already traumatized n broken n then stands on stage in front of church n says I'm saved cause Jesus died for me. So he sees himself covered by an insurance like a person who takes up risky activities just cause they know they have health insurance. So I can do anything I like they say. Well that's a crock. No offense to any Christians here. But abuse someone n think
It ok to do cause oh I'm covered by gods blood so I can do whatever I want cause Im forgiven in advance. I may not be sober but that's still fucked up. . N god doesn't seem to care. What he only cares of Ppl sell things in the church but if someone abuses someone already broken who came looking for hope safety acceptance etc n he does nothing. Nothing as she or he is abused nothing as judged cause they can't deal with abuse from church or leaders nothing as judged n shunned with disbelief when try to tell someone of abuse. If gods son dying on cross was an eternal life insurance for abusers while those abused leave the church wanting nothing to do with that sort of corruption n wolves in sheeps clothing leaving them to burn in hell fir leaving the church. What is with that? Easter becomes nothing but exchanging choc eggs n seeing family. Which the second won't even happen cause they too busy to catch up. Just how things turned out this year. No ones fault. I guess at least get to see bf family maybe. Even that's not decided. He stresses at family gatherings. He drinks to excess if family event coming up or going to family event n it's his family. On just the Gf how am I supposed to feel.. **** just remembered was in middle of cooking. Where is my head
silent wonderer, i understand why you feel that way and no offense taken, its just my abuse was not at the hands of pastor/clergy....thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us, i admire you so much for being able to put some of what you have been thru in words....i hope you find it helpful to do...i find it helpful to read....ah sh--- did ya burn what you were cooking hun?
No the water was boiling but hadn't put potatoes. The apricot chicken in slow cooker so safe call. I knew it was good idea. If had done other way would off. I'm so out of it I peeled one carrot. Cut n put in pot 5 min peeled another carrot n cut n put in pot. Good thing on own right now. Bf not home yet n he eats at work Thursday nights. He has night/ arvo shift on Thursday n doesn't get home till 9-9.30pm. So should be home pretty soon as it's just hitting 9.30pm now.
wow hun, if you don’t mind me asking what country are you in? it’s 9am here. your dinner sounds really good hope you enjoy hun.
I'm in Australia. It was good., it's now 11pm here:)
oh hun save me some i’ll be right over…australia, wow, outback jack, koalas and roos. how cool…ever had any roos in your yard? i’ve seen different shows on tv and i’ve seen people having trouble with them tramplling gardens and being a nusance. hope you have a good day since it should be friday morning over there now…g-day mate…i couldn’t resist…
That's cool. But no no Roos or koalas in my back yard but I've seen kangaroos on camps n it's more possums than koala but I love all of our native animals. Miss waking up on camps n hearing a kangaroo grazing outside tent or walking at night n seeing a possum up a tree. I had one reach out it's paw or claw what ever u cal the possum hand as it hung upside down from a gazebo railing by its tail it was so cute. I think it was used to humans. That campsite was where Ppl go alot n was kinda part of nature conservation where Ppl gave speaches on native animals. One camp we went to this cornered of section n this lady let us n the kids hold snakes n they had this echidna named peanuts. Oh so cute but I'm biased I love animals. Even magpies cool to watch as long as they don't try to swoop me. One day would love to go to zoo. I know I'm just a big kid at heart but all the animals in one place. It's been long time. But next week I take 17 kids on camp kinda like scouts but theirs boys n girls n they are 13 to 18 but we go south n our first day we can't book in to site till 2 pm cause the Ppl camping there had to book whole Easter weekend if was going to book there. So we are taking them to the animal farm on way down. They have the kangaroos n emus llamas n pigs rabbits n choocks heaps of stuff n u take this bucket of food around of seeds cabbage carrots etc n at each section it says wat each animal can eat their name n lil bout them.2 years ago we took kids there n my lil bro was there n a emu got so excited about the food it grabbed my bro bucket of food n flung it over on the emus side of the fence right out of my brothers hand. The kids got it on video they all thought was hilarious. Lucky had spare bucket cause I told him he wasn't scaling the fence n climbing in with the emu the emu wouldn't of let him in anyway. Ok I've just blanketed alot bout animals. I should stop for now. But I hope u have good day. Yeah it's 9.39 am by now over here. Your prob night time by now. But is it Friday night I get confused which way the time goes . Not sure if we r ahead in time or behind. You would of had nearly whole day while I was asleep. Ok maybe not whole day but chunk of it I was still awake at 1 am this morning prob only had 7 hours sleep if that but guess that's still decent n I don't remember my nightmare. I know I had one but checking my phone as soon as woke up n writing bout animals distracted me long enough to let it fade. Like seeing it in distance but not being connected to it anymore.
oh silent hun, (is it ok that i call you silent) if ever you can’t sleep you just mail me about animals anytime as i to am an animal lover. i loved reading your post and see that…distracted enough to not even remember the nightmare…we accomplished something together. you got distracted and i was untterly entertained to the max with your animal stories. emu took the whole bucket…good thing he did’nt take your brother along with it hehe…i do love nature so very much…and the opossum with the paw now thats and an aaawwww moment. i am always honored when one of gods creatures allows me to hold, touch, pet or just be in their prescence. great feeling. its really nice to listen your post as it is so positive and uplifting.
now this time thing hun, my bro in law lived in melbourne for a time and he was 16 hours ahead of us at that time. so i may have to check out my time calculator i saw one time on the net. i do no for sure your ahead of me. at this writing its almost 11am on friday so maybe earlly saturday morning at your end by now…i do hope you have a great weekend hon. and please do mail me anytime about anything, i’d love to listen. i just think your very cool hun
Yeah prob bout 14 hrs or so ahead then. Eastern states is few hours ahead of us. I know that cause when need to contact suppliers if it's after 3 our time good cause eastern states already gone home. It's almost 1am now. Laying in bed after fried brain trying to get ready for camp mon n bf wants to go see family down south tomorrow night. I figured just cause I don't get to see mine don't want him to miss out seeing his even if he feels need to be drunk to do so. He stresses when has to see them. He loves them though. Well my brains so fried it outside the chips had for dinner the boys did late night run to maccas we'd had late lunch n been to busy to cook. I'm allergic to what so chips was only choice oh well I guess can work it off later. Better go thanks for being so cool bout me talking. Hope ur day goes well:)
does it not bother you him getting drunk to go visit? for me i do not like to be around anyone who has been drinking,. these chips your talking about are they what we can french fries here in the states? i assume maccas is some sort of fast food place over there. this is so cool talking with someone in australia. your very kind to chat with me thank you. i’m cool with you talking to me anytime silent…hope you bf visit went well and your having a good evening as its about oohh 2 am sunday where you are…if your willing to tell me what large city your closetest to i can check my world clock…i think its cool as i think of some folks on the site and look at the clock and say oh its so and so time where they are. ok love you have a good one hun
Yeah it is 2.15 am here just gone to bed. It does worry me cause e settlor he does get drunk he asks why I bother with him. I can't seem to get thru it's that love him n that he is a good guy. I admit he's not perfect but neither am I. But yeAh it's been ok. We played canaster with his brother n sister in law. I just learnt today how to play. Maccas is short hand slang for macdonalds n yes chips is French fries. Can't remember what said but just know if I refer to chips that's well thin ones are like fries then u get chips from fish n chip shop which are thicker. They cool too just can't eat too much. Too much fat makes me feel lil Ill. I have to sleep bow but having someone to chat to makes me not feel so alone even just about simple things like food n animals. Oh n Perth is closest city to me. Hope ur well.
i finally got it silent checked the world clock and you are 13 hours ahead of me so right now its 7:30pm sunday yur time. wow hun you sure are a night owl are’nt ya? so how long and your bf been together? what ya do for work? what does he do for work? and honey you can talk to me about animals anytime, just love them. how are you feeling these days anyway? did your sunday go well? do anything fun? so there, that should keep you busy for a while hun. love to you sweetheart