Energy Drinks a Gateway Drug?

Does your child frequently drink caffeinated energy drinks? If so, you need to be aware of research that shows that individuals who consume the high-potency drinks are significantly more likely to develop alcohol dependence or become heavy drinkers.

This tendency is linked to regular energy drinks - like Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar - not the caffeinated drinks containing alcohol that have been in the news recently.

Researchers at the Treatment Research Institute surveyed 1,000 college students, asking about their use of energy drinks and their consumption of alcohol in the past 12 months. Even after controlling for other risk-taking characteristics of the students, the link between energy drink consumption and alcohol dependence persisted, researchers found.

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thanks for sharing this. aside from being a gateway, i think energy drinks are really bad for the health in general. i have a friend who got heart problems from drinking too many of these. i think its so artificial and is not healthy for the body or when combine with alcohol either.

This article is very interesting and informative. Young people should be careful, if it gives such a energy boost, must have some potent ingredients. Everyone should read the contents of a drink. Thank you very much.