Feeling anxious and lost

My husband and I decided to separate last week, I have not seen him since Sunday. We had been living at his moms out of state due to fixing it up (she passed earlier this year). We had gotten into a heated argument last friday and so i decided I was going to leave sunday. He said bye to the kids but not a word to me. We were supposed to spend the holidays together with his family. We have had problems prior to this but this was the final straw for me. Im home and its been 6 days now and he hasnt called to speak to the kids. Im feeling so lost, I haven’t gotten one apology from him or anything. I have done a lot for our relationship and prayed to god that he would change. Im trying to stay strong but its not easy and looking for some advice.

From Romantic Relationships to Moving On & Healing

I am so sorry that this stress is in your life. Have you contacted his family to see if he is alive? If nobody has seen/heard from him, open a missing person case. The best advice I can think of is to mentally fortify yourself to be the best single parent you can be. I beg you, never speak I’ll of the father to your kids. I PROMISE, they will learn it on their own. Make sure to document his abandonment of the family and home. This will help protect your children as it can help establish a pattern of behavior on his part. Also, you may never get apologies for his atrocious action, and that’s ok. All you need is a healthy, happy you so your children have a chance to thrive.
Give yourself permission to be happy for your holidays. You and the kids deserve that!
Best of luck to you. I am so very, very sorry.

1 Heart

Thank you so much!! I do know he is at home and okay. He called last night to speak to the kids but that was it. It was hard not talking to him but I knew it was best for me. Today has been hard, its Christmas Eve and we are spending it with my family at my moms house so I know we’ll be okay. I appreciate your words, I was hoping to get some type of apology too but if he doesn’t that’s okay. I just hope it hits him one day. I definitely don’t talk ill about him the only thing I really ever wanted was for my kids to have their dad in their life and tried so hard to keep my family together. Thanks again!