I caught up with a girlfriend of mine who told me that she started talking to her boyfriend about marriage and started to nudge him along. She also told me "if you don't push a man into marriage, he'll never get married". I was a bit shocked by this because silly me thought that it's something that both parties would want on their own. I do understand maybe have a chat about where the relationship stands down the road, but nudging and then pushing someone into marriage seems to be a bit much.
Is this is recipe for disaster? Or is this what you have to do these days?
i think thats a huge mistake! you are right. both parties should come to cross road on whether they want to marry or not.
if she pushes marriage on this man he may come to resent her, cheat on her or who knows what else. She should wait until he is ready to ask her. There is nothing wrong with discussing it, but to push about it is not a good idea
Thanks Heather! I totally agree with you and feel that this may potentially head for heartache. She is normally such a happy go lucky girl who now desperately wants to be married and have children. I think the desperation has gotten the best of her and she's not seeing clearly. I've said something to her before about the situation, she got so upset and stopped talking to me for a short while. So now I zip my lips.