Going down hill fast

Health is deteriorating . Rushed to hospital after becoming incoherent and dizzy. last week , Got no diagnosis . Can;t see doctor to next week. Could not so much today in pain and fatigue , No fight left.

With no diagnosis and still feeling terrible, they sent you home? We are so sorry that this is your reality, what are their next steps to finding out what is causing all your symptoms? -SG

What happened will be just kept on file and a letter telling my doctor what happened . Nobody will follow up to look for a cause . I was let go home alone . Lucky I was in place where people knew me and safe . Next time I might be in public unsafe. . There is also different hospitals near here would not go to any hospital , different level of care,

We hope your medical team takes what is happening to you seriously, it is just so unfair to have to suffer without them knowing even how to start treating you. -SG