Going to 1st support group in a longgggggg time

Hi everyone,

After being on this site for about a month and reading and learning from all of you all, I've finally decided to look into finding a local support group in my area. With 2 kids and a tight work schedule and a signfi other I never thought I'd have the time/ability but I'm now making it a priority.

There are actually 2 different ones i can choose from. I'm going to visit both. I really hope this helps me to interact with people in person -- who struggle with the same issues I do.

For those of you currently attending group sessions, what is it about them that really helps you refrain from b/p? How can I best optimize my sessions?

Thanks soooooooooooo much,

this is great as i am also starting a group soon. the only thing i can say is --make sure they are monitored and if they are not, just make sure the focus for everone in group is recovery. for a long time i didnt feel i desreved to go cuz i did not look sick and look healthy but i know that now that is jsut ED lying to me.

i think the benefit of it is the same as for this site--the benefit of getting support /loving care from others to help and who also UNDERSTAND where you are coming from.

i hope this helps you and good for you!


I am so happy to hear that you have decided to go to a support group. Its great to hear that this site has helped you gain enough confidence to go to a support group! This site gave me the confidence to make an appointment with the school eating disorder nutritionist.

I hope you keep writing and keep us updated on how everything goes :)
