Got an appointment at the doctors tomorrow about a lump that

Got an appointment at the doctors tomorrow about a lump that I have. I had the same lump checked out a few years ago albeit it was very small then like a little bump...The doctor struggled to even feel it and when she did she described it as like a 'grain on rice' and was nothing to worry about. I have regularly checked it since and have now noticed that it is bigger and much more noticeable. Its a hard lump and somewhat feels like its grown out of the testicle if that makes sense. Ive been reading about cysts etc but it doesnt seem the same. Has anyone got any thoughts or own experiences that they can advise upon. I keep telling myself I cant have TC because I had the very small initial lump a number of years ago - But then I suppose you never know until its checked out.

1 Heart

Hi, welcome. Glad ur getting it checked out. I am here to support you.