Hello, also my first post. I am a shopping addict and it is turning into almost like a hoarding situation. I try to keep up with returning things but I have come to a point where I order so much online I don’t even know what will show up half the time. I don’t have a lot of money and I need to get this under control. It has been bad for a VERY long time but since COVID my online shopping has increased tremendously making shopping available 24/7. I have no idea how to budget or just stop. I do NOT need almost any of the things I buy. I just get a big rush (as I see many of us do) from the hunt kf the perfect thing online and the I feel like I have to have it. No matter what it costs or if I have something close enough already. Then I think and fantasize about having it and it is all just such a fantasy because once I get it it goes into a pile of crap then the hunt begins all over again. I feel like I am not even sure how to distinguish between things I want and things I really need sometimes because the desire to just buy things is so strong. Sorry this is so long I am seeing many many similar posts. Just wanted to say hello and tell my story. Hope I can get this in control somehow but not many people I know are like this. And I am ashamed because I am like wearing different cloths all of the time and my place is so cluttered I don’t want to have anyone over. I think I do it when I feel alone or very stressed out and unfortunately both of those things are kind of common for me.
Could get rid of your credit cards and be willing to sell some of the items you cannot return?
I had a similar problem a few years back when my wife was suffering emotionally. The money issues eventually went away but the emotional issues didn’t. Work on yourself. Find out what’s really bothering you and work on it. I always said that if all your problems are money problems, you’re a lucky person.