I am a Master's student working on a project to start a support group for retirees.
Retirement isn't always what many people imagine.
To help me prepare for this group, I'd like to hear from you if you wouldn't mind sharing and helping others in your situation:
- what were the biggest difficulties you've found once you've retired?
- what kind of information would you have liked to have (or still do) to help you in your transition to retirement?
- anything else you'd like to share?
Thank you!
First of all, my retirement was unplanned. A company closure a week before my 65th birthday last year came and dropped me into my new world. The biggest difficulty for me was the loss of social connections with the people I had worked with for many years. I did not have them as friends outside of work so they were situational friends; they were, however, important to me. I don't think I need any information to aid me; I believe this is a process to live through. Gradually, I am creating a new life and it is slow but I am almost never depressed now. I guess what I would like to share is that you may need to expect this is to more difficult than you may have expected. Know that it will get better and be patient but always be open to new things that will help you adjust.
@RMac thank you for your input. Congratulations on your perspective.
This is a support group for retirees! If you would like to become a member of this group, then we would be happy to have you.
thank you Marlene!
You are very welcome!
I think the biggest difficulty I had was feeling OK about having nothing to do. One gets so used to having some kind of externally imposed agenda that retirement can seem like a total waste of time. It took a while to get into figuratively sitting in the front stoop rocking chair just watching the world go by. Once there, life seems very full again!