Hello! I had a total hysterectomy 3 months ago due to fibroi

Hello! I had a total hysterectomy 3 months ago due to fibroids causing me extremely heavy and painful periods for years. Everything seemed to be fine, although I had avoided looking at my tummy for a couple of weeks. When I finally did the other day, I noticed what I thought was bruising. However, on further inspection it actually looks more like stretch marks, which I have never had before. I am feeling quite down as I wasn’t expecting this to happen. Has anybody experienced this problem? It doesn’t appear to be common, will they fade? What can I do? Advice welcome! x

Yes, they will fade. I gained a substantial amount of weight when I was pregnant with my first daughter (eating for two was a bad idea) and I got so many deep dark stretch marks but 12 years later unless you’re right up close you can’t see them. I do notice when I’m tanned they show a bit more but it’s not bad. There are products you can try to help fade the discolouration... I never had much luck with them, it took about 2 years for mine to fade

@Canlmc86 thanks for replying that’s reassuring. I will see if I can find any products to help.