Hello. I have Bipolar Type II and ADHD. About almost 2yrs ago, my 8yr old was diagnosed with ADHD and put on Adderall 7.5mg twice a day. My husband and I have never had a big problem with him again really since he has been on medication. Well the last 2 months, he has become very aggressive with his younger siblings, has a horrible attitude about everything, back talks to the point if he don't get his way he screams and tells us he hates us, we don't love him, he wishes we would die, or we make his life miserable,etc… The other day he almost broke his sister's arm, right in front of us and when we stepped in to the situation he told me that he knew what he was doing and he wasn't going to hurt her that bad. He has went as far as putting holes into his bedroom walls when he gets angry and slaps his baby brother who is 2 in the face for just coming into his room...my husband and I don't know what to do. I've asked his teachers at school if he acts out or behaves badly and they say he's very sweet and respectful. So I'm so confused...We have thought about maybe taking him to a therapist for talk therapy but the first time we did that all they did with him was let him play with toys never any talking. We have thought about talking to our family doctor about changing his meds but we don't want him to be zombie out either...We do have a pretty structured home, or routine if you will call it everyday so, I don't know...Is there any other parents who have maybe delt with this or anyone has some suggestions in how we should approach him about his actions?
I did have a bad reaction to medication myself and found alternative (herbal) meds which worked for me. However, there are many factors that one could look at. Anything from trauma to hormonal changes. Is also be very suspicious of bullying.
I have asked his teacher and other staff members that I know personally at the school to keep an eye on him and see if he is being bullied and they all said he gets along with everyone. its a pretty small school he goes too. So I don't think it could be that, but I will see if they can just keep a eye on him some more. Thank You
@BeautifullyBroken3, there would be 2 questions I would pose to your son, what is the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life?, and what was the worst thing that someone has someone has done to him? If it’s not post trauma, you’ll probably get pretty straight answers. If so, there will be hesitation and reluctance.
From Autism and Learning Disorders to ADHD