Is this support group active?
Hope so......
Is this support group active?
Hope so......
Hi mm monster, Welcome to SupportGroups.com . Yes, this group is active. What's going on? Keep sharing with us. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))
Thanku so much for replying! I thought I may end up typing things to myself - not that there is anything wrong with that.
Well putting it simply, my partner and I are drug addicts. Trying to stop using meth has, so far, been a disaster. The two of us seem to end up sabataging each others efforts, without meaning too.
I've had depression and anxiety since I was about 12. Unfortunately I've never fully dealt with these apart from sticking to medication for depression. In the past as soon as the therapy got a bit deep I gave it up and found other ways to cope. Eventually that became Ice/meth.
When ever we stop using we only tend to make it to day3/4. Each day without drugs I have panic attacks. I've been having panic attacks since very young, so I've learnt all the breething techniques, etc.
But now they come on so quickly and strong I don't have a chance to try and get a grasp on it. It only takes a split second and everything feels completely out of control.
The other main struggle is this feeling of restlessness in all my joints. I find myself paceing, wriggling and trying any movement to get rid of it. I've had urgers to dig my nail in or start hitting my joints.
Lastly, but most scary for me, I put a hole in our wall. I am one of the most non violent people you could meet. I'm the peacemaker. By day 4 I feel like I don't have control over myself. It scares me so much. I'm a mum, I can't let my daughter see me like that.
My partner isn't feeling like this. Have others felt like this? I'm starting to worry that I'm having a psycotic episode. Each time we stop it's getting worse, as soon as we have some gear I'm back to normal.
If anyone has advise - please please please help me
Hey monster,I was a drug addict 2 weeks ago.Not anymore and never again. The good news is I known
exactly what you need to do.The bad news is it is going to hurt. What your feeling when you dont use are withdrawls. You need to quit now. its only going to get worse. Find someone to watch the child for at least 2 weeks. Find a bed and go through it. No work for 2 wks min.you can do it. good luck gypsy
Thanku Gypsy!
WOw, you've made it 2weeks. That's awesome! My sister is going to see if she can come stay for a couple of weeks. I hope she can. I don't have any family around me - and have completley hermitised myself since moving from Queensland to Melbourne 18 months ago. I can't believe I've made no friends in all that time.
It wasn't that I couldn't, more I didn't want to. I used to be a social butterfly. I'm going to find the person I was. I can do this.
Are you feeling better after 2 weeks? Has that head haze feeling started to lift?
mm monster you can do it!
I started to feel better after a couple of weeks. I was still kind of foggy in the brain for a while. I did not feel really good for quite a while, just kind of a low grade tired/crappy/i don't give a **** thing for a while.
Try to get plenty of rest and eat healthy good foods. You are going to be tired and hungry. You will probably also feel sad and like crying a lot or like life is not worth living but it will get better. When you have these feelings try to remember it will get better.
mmmonster, atta boy, my drug of choice was oxycontin. I was injecting 3oo mgs a day. Throw in some meth,ritalin,dilaudin and various .other poisons and I was a total pile.20 days now and still dont feel right. Be proud what your doing for yourself. It takes a long time to get right. Dont forget what your going thru for being a slave to those drugs.I know you dont want to go thru this again,me niether. BE PROUD, BE STRONG. keep up the good work, its worth it. give yourself plenty of time its the best investment you will ever make. check on u later gypsy
When I came off of my heaviest bout with meth I cried every day. I didn't want anything except tina. It gets better and easier and the embers of your heart that you thought had went out eventually become a warming hope filled fire.
I'm here because I still do meth or adderall at least once a month or so. Know you can do this and it will get better.
My drug habit cost me everything, the worst being my self respect. 3 mos clean and its all coming back. Im not saying everything is perfect but Im very happy with the way I feel about myself and how I deal with lifes ups and downs. Take back your life and the rest follows.