Helpful songs

Suicidal thoughts are something I still have to deal with but I’m able to not act on those thoughts now. Usually they aren’t that intense.
I guess having them sometimes still is part of my trauma recovery.
My go to songs when I have suicidal thoughts/ am depressed are
Worth the fight- Cimorelli and Lullaby-Nickelback
I also found a sound about anxiety that I really liked (Anxiety-Mackenzie Sol)

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Let’s go back to 1989. My go to song, my life anthem is "Keep on Movin’ " by Soul II Soul. The song talks about moving forward with friends or without, in sunshine or in rain. We always have to keep going. Whenever I am down, this song picks me back up.

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Idk how you feel about metalcore but there’s a band called citizen soldier whose songs are all based on mental struggles, maybe you will find something you like

Alice Coltrane Divine Songs album.

I feel so lame, I can’t find or remember the name of the song, but the band Peaches. They put out some great angry woman, empowered woman music. Down side for some people, it’s serious hard rock. Not that death metal stuff, just good hard rock.

Music truly does soothe the savage beast. I don’t typically turn to specific songs when I’m in a dark place but I instead just turn on something fast and aggressive. Sounds weird but something heavy seems to help me when I’m down.

My cousin likes them.

I have to realize that is not just the job that causes those thoughts sometimes it may be other stuff too.
I am stressed out at my job- i don’t know if that could be a little bit of my own doing too though. I need to remember all I can do is try my best.
It feels like I work 24/7 365. Though it is healthcare related. It’s just not for me anymore. Something better will work out for me when it’s supposed to.
All I can do is work on my goals (both health wise and otherwise). It makes me feel better focusing on that.
While I do that hopefully the rest of what needs to fall into place dor me happens.

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