Hey feeling confused,angry and sad

Hey feeling confused,angry and sad

Why is that? Who you are is beautiful.

Confused because I don't want to keep going anymore.
Angry for being different than the rest of my family and friend.
Sad because of being called a weirdo and a freak

1 Heart

@Bellawolves u are neither a weirdo or a freak, don’t listen to them people, Xx the feeling of difference is because u probably are different to ya family, and they don’t accept that Xx hugs Xx

Thanks a lot KML_Hunnie1990

1 Heart

@Bellawolves here for ya Xx hows U today Xx

Hey was so so got in trouble again for not getting all my work done and I am also a adhd student

1 Heart

@Bellawolves don’t worri, I know what ya mean Xx well keep strong hun Xx

Hey thanks for the support,but what do you mean by you know what I mean?

1 Heart

@Bellawolves getting into trouble for not getting work done Xx don’t really know much about adhd Xxx

O okay and how is it going with you so far?

1 Heart

@Bellawolves I guess soso, nearly finished school, thank god for that Xx bullies driving me crazy and stress, and more Xx but I’m fine Xx

Great to hear that just keep going on and never give up on yourself

1 Heart

@Bellawolves it’s hard, but I get their Xx

From Gender Identity Exploration to Sexual Orientation Exploration

From Gender Identity Exploration to Sexual Orientation Exploration