Hi everyone. Yesterday I made the biggest leap in my life and came out to my family as a bi-sexual man after 30+ years of hiding it and being ashamed due to the childhood I grew up in. This was NOT excepted in my childhood. I have known this since grade school. I am very proud of myself and scared as well. The feeling of being free and liberated from this has been inviting. I scared on where I go from here and still am scared of coming out to other people in my life. I am scared of the terribly insensitive society and the hatred for who I am. Love should have or hold boundaries. I guess I am looking for support in my journey. Thank you for anyone who responds you are awesome. Hearts not parts ❤️
SO PROUD OF YOU! This is just the sweetest thing and I am so glad to say Welcome out of the Closet!
Good for you! That is so exciting. Do you feel less burdened now?
@MagiaMoonlight very much so. I feel free to be me. I am not going to hide who I am. As scary as it is. This is where I start growing from here. I have had more good and positive comments with coming out than any other milestones. It’s great thanks for the love and support. Hearts not parts
There are always going to be a few people who can't look past their religion and think for themselves who will judge you, but I think alot of the world have gotten more open about just letting love be love. When you meet a hater just move past them and forget them, its their issue not yours. Its good to be who you want to be and I am really happy that you were able to liberate yourself from those ties so that you can move forward. That is so important in this life.
Congrats! That is a huge leap so good for you. I think it can be harder for some people to come out just because of the area they live in. How did things go with your family? I know even under the best of circumstances it still can be hard for the parents at first I think because they feel like their child isn't the same person but they are and when they realize that, it can make things come together quicker. There's a lot of love and support for the LGBTQ community. Look up your nearest PFLAG group if you live in the US.
@Learingtofeel I would love to share my journey and anything so far. Message me. I sent one to you but not sure if it went through
We are so very proud of you!
Thank you.... it has been a journey so far with insecurities and anxiety however. You love who you love and like what you like. My life has many complications but freedom is my goal. Thank you all for all the caring words.
Hey trying to re connect which i have conne ted with and formed a support for each other. If you live in australia try to message me on whatsapp. If you know a daniel from florida