Hi I am feeling so scared right now i am really wanting to s

Hi I am feeling so scared right now i am really wanting to stop talking pills and I am just freaked outi feel scared to tell people. I have not told anyone, I am afraid of going through withdrawals, I have become as addicted because not only do I love the high but I feel so motivated on them. I am just in a lost place right now, scared an worried thati can't stop. Worried that I can't stop and I have never told anyone before this... Just want to cry but I have no one to go to. Feeling.... alone

Just coming here and taking that first step is a measure of your strength! There is no doubt about it, the road to recovery is hard. However, when you do with with a lot of support, and with people who understand, it is much more manageable that doing it alone. Try going to an NA meeting, if you have someone you feel safe with perhaps talk to them, and have them come with you for the first meeting. People who love you care about you, and want you to be happy and healthy. Use all the support you can. we are here for you!! You can do this.

@Aura82 I came clean the other night to my husband best friend and therapist that is the reason I have been missing for a couple days the withdrawal has been horrible but I’m doing better I am so glad I came clean I feel so much better even with 3 the withdrawals thank you so much for responding to my post I am so amazed that’s so many people care even though I don’t know them

I know that feeling, I just relapsed. Take my word for it you need to seek help, because pills are a gateway to heroin

@Samuel123 thank you so much for your response I am aware of the consequences of pills and what they lied to? That isa huge reason I knew it was time to get it under control. I have to tell you, coming clean rather than getting caught has helped me feel likei really can do this.
Samuel, stay strong, try to stop, I am sure you have so many people that love you, and we all care about each other here.

See that!? thats good that you came clean, sometimes just saying it out loud really helps. and as far as people not knowing you but still caring. Of course we care! :D If my words can help someone avoid or help someone out of the same boat I'm in than I will always say something. Coming clean about an addiction shows amazing strength, going through withdrawals can convince you, that you are not strong. But that is the dope speaking, you have strength and you can quit this. Keep us posted okay?

@Samuel123 I am doing okay, I am getting better, but I just refilled my vicoden, I am scared of being off it completely. I am taking one or twoa day right now. I have a prescription for a reason I am just trying to keep it under control.