Hi this is the first time I've posted anything in any site

Hi this is the first time I've posted anything in any site. I too was diagnosed with POF and hypothyroidism at 17 years old. After never experiencing a period and minimal puberty. I am now 36 and have been on HRT ever since. It's been a really long, hard and depressing road especially finding out you can never have children. But as time moves on you do begin to accept what cannot be and begin to find alternative solutions to your problems. I finally got married at 25 to my lovely husband who accepted me (health issues and all!!) after numerous attempts of trying to conceive naturally - I know stupid right! But I did so wish some miracle would happen! We decided to go down the IVF route. We were given the probability of 5% success rate and after 3 failed attempts (not to mention the stress and depression that came with it ) we decided this was not for us as we'd probably end up divorced!! After a few more years of research I came across an article on surrogacy. We had a lot of heated debates on weather or not this was ethical, moral etc... But after trying so hard and for so long to make our family complete we decided to go for it. We were blessed a year later with twins a boy and girl. Unfortunately out daughter was diagnosed with hypo-plastic left heart syndrome and after 3 weeks she passed away. Our angel was gone but we had our very precious son. We swore we would never go through such an ordeal like this again. After 4 years had passed our son was flourishing we were extremely grateful to Gid everyday for our blessing but we were left with bitter sweet memories and we longed for another child....we decided to try another attempt at surrogacy. 5 failed attempts later and just as we were about to give up we decided to try a final time and were blessed with our 2nd son!! Our family is now complete!! I hope I have managed to bring some hope and comfort for you ladies out there. I know how hard it is to live with this disease and I feel as long as you have faith in God and yourselves you can truly be happy and have a happy ending. Please don't ever give up, even when things are at their darkest. I wish you all love, peace, hope and joy. God Bless you xx

2 Hearts

such a beautiful post, it sounds like you and your husband went through so much. I am glad you have your family! thank you for sharing this with us!

From Physical Health Treatment to Women's Health Issues