Hi why be stingy when u give love affection happiness.its

why be stingy when u give love affection happiness.its a gift that needs to be shared..to all... you need it here in this world ... its no use saving it... utilise whatever love u have ..give it... whats the point saving it...its produced in you to give others... u are a shining light that keeps producing and u have to let it come out without fearing obstacles....let it radiate from you to outside...

1 Heart

even if u get it back ur job is still to give because u produce it daily ....if u stop yourself from giving love u will collapse.. a humans original nature is to give love joy happiness positivity..we know this as kids but when we become older we forget it..we try to save it... but for what.... share and give ur love to everyone who comes to you...

hello every1 ,i work in a tensed environment for 3 years and put up with female colleagues who were rude to me and hurt me a lot -i cried a lot while at work and at times i didnt even want to go to work ,the solution to the problem is simple ,i just have to find another job ,unfortunately i have no motivation -no energy to do anything -not even to apply to another job ,i dont know how to break this passivity -other colleagues are moving forward and me -im just left where i am -stuck where i am-with nothing new to do and doing the same boring thing over and over again -i've lost all energy to do anything new .i dont really know what i would like to do as career -well,i like administrative work and i think im good at it ,so i think i should work in administrative sector but really i have no goals for future -i dont know what to expect from the future-the future seems void-blank and im getting drowned in this emptiness