
omg so anyways im 2 months prego and going throw things i cant handle.. someone have any advice??

What is it exactly that you are going through? Maybe I can help, I am a mother of 3. Let me know.

pain like hell.. and dont have much support on this i mean the baby daddy isinvold alot but dosent know what im going throw... and then the money isuse . im only 15 bout to be 16 and trying to get a job but its hard.. and baby daddy trying to get job also but not helping much.. any advice??

Pain this early more than period like cramping could be an issue. Have you been to the doctor's yet? My first trimester I had cramps like a period cramp and of course an upset stomach. Not sure why your pain is bad, maybe because you are younger, idk. Worth asking your doctor for sure! How old is the baby's dad? It is tough getting a job, even tougher when you are pregnant. But at this point even a fast food job would help. I would try your local Job and Family services. They usually have leads to jobs too. Best of luck and get back with me on the pain you are having.

yeah i have been to the doctors.. but i have and app in two weeks, and the baby daddy is 18.. and i know what the pain could be.. but most of the time i think its just bc shes hungry bc when i eat the pain goes away... and i have put in apps everywere they hire at 15-16 and he put in everywere that hire at 16 and up...

Who told that if the baby is hungry you will have pain? That is not true. The baby is hungry when you are, it doesn't cause you pain. Let me know how your doctors appointment goes.

question you may know? ok the baby daddy is 18 and im 15 bout to be 16 alot of ppl say he can go to jail for that.. in order for him to go to jail wouldnt i have to press charges for that to happen??