Highly Sensitive Person here. I just got off of a coll

Highly Sensitive Person here.

I just got off of a collaborative work meeting with someone. It went well, because in the end we finished the project successfully, we collaborated together well, and it all came together quite nicely.
However, I am hypersensitive to others' social cues and facial expressions and I picked up on some concerns this person had on their face about personal things that went unresolved by the time we ended the call.
I am fighting off the urge to be codependent and sit here and obsess about it and trust that God will take care of them. but i can't stop worrying.

Is this social anxiety? Or codependency? Or highly sensitive person problems?

I feel like I'm not allowed to enjoy the rest of my day since this person expressed concerns, because I feel like if I don't leave the other person feeling good, then I've failed to do my Work. I've failed to effectively connect. Because I feel like i was put here on earth to help and love people, not to make things hard for them. And I mean that non-codependently, because I know I matter, too :(

I feel like I'm always disappointing or making people feel bad about themselves.

1 Heart

We are going through older posts on our site and wanted to check in our members we haven’t seen for awhile, how are you doing? How can we best support you? -SG

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Social Anxiety

I totally understand what you’re going through. Struggling with friendships/work/etc as I am HSP. Searching for answers/solutions as well, as this has affected every avenue in my life. Will be meeting w a counselor today. I’ve found this to help. Also looking for a face to face support group. You are not alone, hon. Here for you.