How did you feel something was wrong.what made you go see a doctor.
I have pain in my arm pits and it feels a little bumpy.
I do not have insurance or money to see a doctor. so i thought i could get some help from a support group.
how did the Non Hodgkins lymphoma start with you.
thanks for your reply
Rob, I think lymphoma "starts" differently for everyone who is here. For me, it started with night sweats (which were only occasional). I then discovered a lump in my groin that was painless, rubbery and did not go away over a period of 5 or 6 weeks. At that point, my wife convinced me to see my doctor and we then started a whole series of blood and imaging tests to eliminate other possibilities before finally scheduling a biopsy. Lymph glands infiltrated with lymphoma are usually painless and there are literally hundreds of reasons that a lymph gland can be swollen. This link to the Mayo clinic should be of some help on that score:
If your problem continues you will have to figure out a way to get medical help as the only definitive way to diagnose lymphoma is through a biopsy. They need to remove a node(S) for microscopic examination in order to be sure. There is no other way.
I don't know where you live but, in most places, there are free clinics and other resources that will allow you to get your issue looked at, even here i the U.S. If your problem continues, I would look into what those services are in your area and then make use of them.
Good luck and good health,
Thank you very much for your response. I appreciate your input and the link to the Mayo Clinic. I have been doing my own research on the internet, but it is a lot of information and confusing for me.
best wishes for your speedy recovery
thanks again