IS something wrong with something wrong with my brain? I have binged and binged and kept going and going and kept eating when I wasnt hungry and I was not very present at all during this time. I ask what is the best way to "recover" from a binge? I mean I am just wondering what others who battle with binging feel is most benefical right after this has occured. Thank you my dear friends.
BTW I am very sorry that I have only been posting and not really replying and offering support to you all. I am here and I do support all of your recoveries...
Surrender -
I am sorry you are struggling, and I know how you feel believe me... That is a good question: How do you recovery from a binge?
I think the best thing to do is just distract yourself - take a shower, read a book, watch TV, and just go to bed as soon as possible. Sleeping does wonders. When you wake up, you can "start over" in a healthy sense, as in just continue with life. The body will re-adjust. Remember that every normal person has food-sprees every once in a while, whatever "normal" means, and for us a binge seems like the end of the world. However, you can only move forward and do your best to continue with life. It is not the end of the world you will be ok.
You can message me if you want, and you are not crazy!
Hang in there.
I agree with cc distract yourself somhow and remember tommprpw a new day a fresh start haung in there this to shall pass
I agree with the suggestions offered. I would also offer that allowing yourself to wallow in the possible guilt will do you NO good!
Perhaps it would be helpful if you could journal about your feelings before this occurred, and also after. Try to think about what may be set you off in this way..emotionally?
If you can think about some safety measures as well, that could help to prevent this from happening, such as calling someone who is supportive and talking yourself through that urge, or getting out of the house...something to stop it before it happens?
Thank you for sharing....the more you share, the better we all can support you!! HUGS..Jan ♥
I'm so sorry you're struggling... Bouncing back after a binge... Unfortunately, this is something I have really never learned to do... Yes, please try to distract yourself from your feelings... Feeling the guilt and remorse and shame will NOT help... I know how they can seep into the mind and refuse to let go... But it is important to try to get some distance from these feelings so that they won't pull you into their trap...
Thinking of you!
Thank you for your thoughtful responses. Yes sitting in muck does not help. In fact I have been so self loathing I can't bring myself to get moving at all today which is probbaly even worse... I wish I could follow some concrete safety measures...I am just not sure where to go with that. Its hard to have someone there in the moment that I could confide in right away. Not a whole lot of those people in general in my life. Any other suggestions for safety??