How does one improve or change life when one is unable to re

how does one improve or change life when one is unable to receive things for changing it..

You lie that you can.
It's better than saying you can't.
It's going to be okay.

Some say fake it 'till you make it. Others would say that the first step towards recovery is acknowledging that you have a problem. It might not be caused by your actions or even be your fault, but it is still a problem that needs to be addressed. If you're not willing to make changes in order to better yourself, then it is not going to happen either. Do you have a person you trust who might be willing to offer advice or just listen? A friend to confide in can help you work wonders.

That's okay.
It's okay to mess up. It's okay to not be able to fix it. It's okay to not have to tools to be able to fix it.
I do not know your situation. Relaxing might help. Crying might help. Hiding might help.
Do what makes you feel better and if nothing can then try and find something that'll help.
Sometimes you might have to wait.

Bricks don't appear, they are made.
It's hard to scratch out a living but sometimes we can.
If you need a job, sometimes it's good to start little (perhaps at a fast food restaurant) and work your way up. There are a lot of jobs out there, and though close to impossible to find, they can be found.

@kaamini Well, you started off right by asking for help here. That’s a good thing.

But I read somewhere a long time ago that there is no such thing as luck. You make a goal or goals and put faith into action by making a conscious effort to achieve those goals. “I’m T.” gave you some good advice and I will implement that advice into my own life also…Apply for as many jobs as possible…100, 200 300. It increases our chances of getting in there.

We only fail if we give up.