Husband deployed, pregnant dealing with anxiety and depression

I am seeking advice about an issue I am having with anxiety and depression. I just turned 24 weeks today and feel like I am just losing it. I guess let me begin by saying I have dealt with an anxiety and panic disorder for about 5 years now that has been under control by the use of medication. I even had a bout with agoraphobia when I was about 19. I am 26 now and never thought i'd be back in this dark place. For the past 5 years I have taken 20 mg of paroxetine and it seemed to be affective. I still couldn't be at a crowded concert or large venues but I was living a healthy, normal functioning life and I was happy. I got married and shortly after found out I was pregnant, almost immediately the dr. told me to cut the dosage in half. For 6 months I have been on the same medication at the lowest dosage and I might as well not be on anything. My husband who is a captain in the military deployed to Afghanistan 3 weeks ago and I have had to move back to Texas so I can raise the baby with my family while he is away for 10 months. Already feeling like my life lacks stability and bouts of agoraphobia coming back because of anxiety my dog was hit by a car and died 2 days ago. I am truly devastated and I simply cannot cope anymore. I feel like at what is supposed to be a happy time in my life I am shutting down mentally. The depression and anxiety is back in full force and I don't know how I can handle a baby in this state. I know that I am dealing with depression and I guess its safe to consider it antepartum depression. I am worried because I read that you are 2 times more likely to have post partum depression if you had antepartum. I am scared that I will completely shut down when my child comes and I will have to be put in a mental institution. I see a counselor regularly but don't feel as though she is that aware of prepartum. DO you have any sound advice you could offer? Should I replace my medication with maybe a new one that works?

Hi Veruca320salt, I just responded to your other post, and I really hope that it helps a bit. Please know that we are here for you and here to help you in any way that we can. You are in my thoughts and prayers.