I am 17 and my boyfriend is 20. I don’t have any family, my mam died when I was young and my dad has chosen his girlfriend over me. The rest of my family have disowned me due to past mistakes; I’ve had to look after myself emotionally from the age of 12.. dealing with the loss of my mam and my dad going to jail along with my step dad telling is that I had to move with my nan because he “couldn’t handle is”.. my nan soon moved is back with my dad when my dad got out of jail for the same reason. I got kicked out of my dad’s and was forced to stay on the streets and sofa surf at the age of 16. I was raped during this time by someone who I grew up with and looked at as a brother. I was then moved into a shared accommodation where I met my boyfriend. He is the apple of my eye, we are the same person in different sexed bodies and extremely good for each other. He made me feel alive after life had drained all the life out of me within the previous years. He is no stranger to the police and had served time before I met him. He struggles with asburges, ADHD, autism and split personality disorder. Because of his lack of help with this he has had a pattern of reoffending. He served 6 months before meeting me in the shared accommodation and I started to lead him into the right path until another occurrence of his struggle with his mental health problems came into play and he was arrested and is now serving 3 months. I am finding it difficult to deal with as I am very much alone, I don’t have any family or friends that I can talk to. He has swore blind that he isn’t going to go back and has said that he is never putting himself at risk of losing me again. I am scared in case he loses interest in me whilst he is in there, I am scared in case I go through this pain of him being in there to have him coming out to not loving me anymore or possibly reoffending again. I need some advise as I haven’t slept in 4 days and have been struggling to eat. It really is eating me away. I would also like to get some help on understanding his disabilities so that I can provide the right support for him whilst he is serving his sentence and when he is out. He also has a learning difficulty, he is 5 years behind his actual age. Thanks x
You sound like a very caring person with a lot on your plate and no support. If I were you I would sign up with multiple support groups that are specific to the disorders and challenges your bf has and of course for yourself as well. Start googling his disorders and educate yourself, it will be ongoing not a thing where you read about it a few times and stop you will need to do it on a continuous basis. I also would suggest that you help him look up resources on where he can get support and therapy because he needs to learn how to get help for himself not just you helping him, of course you want to help and support him but he has to be doing the real work. You can help teach him to get help for himself by encouraging him and being by his side. Be careful though and dont forget about yourself you need help and support too so you can be there for him. We wont be good for anyone if we dont take care of ourselves too. Ill support you and if you hit the support for me then we can pm anytime if you would like too.
@NS100 Thank you for your response
@kgmaxwell Thank you so much for your time and advise… take care x
From Autism and Learning Disorders to ADHD