I am beautifulI am strongI am ENOUGH words I've been l

I am beautiful
I am strong
words I've been looking at getting ready. Trying to gain back my self esteem.

3 Hearts

Taking control of your self-confidence. If you are low in self-confidence, is it possible to do things that will change that? ...
Groom yourself. ...
Dress nicely. ...
Photoshop your self-image. ...
Think positive. ...
Kill negative thoughts. ...
Get to know yourself. ...
Act positive.

I've been trying to do those at least once a month. A massage and saying no alot more and getting away from the negative thoughts. :)

1 Heart

@HURT101 That is wonderful I need to learn the word NO too still working on it. xo

From New Site Discussions to Boundaries & Self-Care

Removed family-sex-addicts, rebuilding-self-esteem