I am on a relationship with an ADHD male. I am having such a

I am on a relationship with an ADHD male. I am having such a hard time.

Sorry you're having a hard time. What's going on? What does he do that gets under your skin? I've had 2 friends who had ADHD, and it was very difficult working things out with them.

We just broke up. He promises things and never follows up. He is always changing his mind. Like he wants to be with me but also wants to F around. When he gets drunk, he does stupid things. I’m not sure if that’s an excuse for his behavior. But, he is also messy and often times lazy


That’s not ADHD…that’s just being a POS and pretending.
I was diagnosed in the 70’s as being ADHD, am an acknowledged genetic alcoholic and never once strayed from my wife in the 21+ years we were together. Even with all the propositions I had, Never once did I stray, even under the influence of spirits, even when her physical desires dried up during menopause. It’s now been a year since her passing and I’ve yet to even think about any new relationships.

Falling back on a manufactured illness like ADHD is nothing more than looking for an excuse to do actions less than honorable for a man. In my day, you either stayed loyal or got out… this keep it on the slide **** just ain’t in my vocabulary.

Stay away from him if you can. He is a very good liar who uses people. Sorry, but try not to speak to him anymore. Get into therapy or free groups like this. Get support now so you do not keep dating the same kind of toxic men. We all have blind spots. We need to learn our weaknesses and how to create boundaries to protect ourselves from manipulators.

1 Heart

@andine thank you. He is such a user.

From Autism and Learning Disorders to ADHD