Hello, I am new here and don't quiet know what to say. A little about me:
- I started having bulimic tendencies about 3 years ago
- There are times I go back to that, but after some time things go back to "normal" but then I feel horrible and go back to it again.
- When I go back to "normal" I over eat constantly and it takes me everything I have not to throw up
-When I get stressed or bored, I eat
I don't know if any of this is considered "binge eating" or not. But some input would be nice.
Thank you
Hey MPM,
Well there are many different forms of eating disorders. Although most people would overeat the odd time. BED would be best defined as overeating feeling distressed, then losing control and binging. There is a powerful craving for food which is experienced as overwhelming.
Binges often occur in secret and the appearance of "normal" eating is often maintained in public. Usually food is consumed very quickly...almost mindlessly and barely chewed. It is seldom enjoyed and the person is always thinking of what to eat next.
After although there is no purging...there be sporatic fasts or repetitive diets and often feelings of self hatred and shame surface after a binge.
(exerpt taken from Binge Eating, Breaking the Cycle, A self-help guide to recovery)
Do you ever feel this way, that the power of eating has almost been taken out of your hands.
If you do it is important not to ignore it, as you will need to get help with this.
I suffer from BED...it is a tough journey but I consider the end line to be worth it.
Let me know how you are getting on..and you are welcome to email me anytime, I would be more than happy to tell you more of my experience if you needed someone to relate to.
Hope you have a bright day...warmest wishes
Moongal x
Although there are times that I overeat quite a bit and feel guilty, I don't believe I have BED. I think this because when I DO overeat, I don't eat more and then purge. I will usually try to purge what I ate and the next few days will be filled with limited eating and work outs. Thank you for replying and clearing things up.
I hope you do realise that throwing up after eating - even overeating isn't within the realms of "normal" eating behaviour. Although you may not fall under the BED category, you do have issues with food. The question to ask is...how much do these tendencies take over your life? What would happen if you overate and didn't purge/exercise? Would that cause you stress?
Just think about it, it could be something minor that needs to be tuned...but don't let it slide, because it is a slippery slope and I was in your situation in 2006 and I am still battling with food...don't be like me.
Sending you the warmest wishes
MG x