I feel stress in the form of shocks in different parts of the bpdy


I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety for almost 10 years. Then, the depression subsided but the anxiety remained and even got worse. I’ve been on and off professional help and medication for the last 5 years.

The problem now is that I’ve developed this strange condition in which I feel easily shocked and scared even if nothing is actually scary. This has started happening after years of work-and-family-related stress. Now, I get this strange feeling all the time. I feel as if some sort of shock or strong negative energy hits my body on the inside. It started with my hair, and then my hair started going grey. I used to feel as if an electric shock hits my hair. After a couple of years, this kind of shock started hitting my skin and I started having paler patches of the skin. Currently, this kind of shock hits my lips in particular. The result was thinning of the lips! I don’t know why this is happening. I feel terrible because of the physical symptoms resulting from this kind of shocks.

Has anyone experienced a similar condition? And how can I stop it?


Never heard of it. Have you made an appointment with your Doctor?

Brain Zaps: Electric Sensation, Causes, What Helps, This sort of describes the feeling you wrote about.