I hate me. I keep falling and I cant stand on my feet. Im so

I hate me. I keep falling and I cant stand on my feet. Im so weak and I hate me about it.

1 Heart

A lot of times we're more forgiving towards others when they are weak than we are towards ourselves. If someone came to you feeling this way, what would you say to them?

1 Heart

@AnaLeigh I dont know… But I would try to help… I dont want to talk to my friends about it or my family. Cause they’ll get angry. They did it in the past. So I have to fight this on my own but its so hard Im weak and thats why I cant stop cutting I am falling and I cant get up.

@Error101 Nice lyrcs. Just how I feel. Yes I am from Greece :slight_smile:

StayStrong98 R u a demi fan?

1 Heart

@GALover Yes:)