I hate this depression

i hate this no one really understands were im coming from my depression is the reason why i cant sleep or eat my girl friend keeps telling me its all in my head that i need to make my self eat and sleep but its easier to sleep than eat when i get really down i cant eat its like physically impossible my body wont let me

When someone tells you it is just in your head a good reply is, "Yes it is in my head. It is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in my brain." People who do not suffer from depression often have no idea that there is a physical cause, and that it is not something we can just switch off.

Hi i so understand, my friends that don’t have depression just say i understand but they truely don’t.My depression suffocates me me sometimes, and to me depression is like a cancer it just never leaves, like a snake to it’s prey, wrapped round my soul.

Hey Fireraven,
I am so sorry for what you are going through. I too suffer from depression so understand how hard it can be at times. I am sorry that your girlfriend isn't being more supportive, is she very young?
My Dad wasn't very supportive of me in the begining when he could see that all I wanted to do was sleep all day, but thankfully through therapy I've learned how to talk with my dad, help him understand a little better and our relationship has strengthened, not only that but I feel he is supporting me more than judging me.

For me I swing the opposite way and eat more when I'm depressed, but another side effect of depression is loss of appetite, it is completely normal...normal as in within the realms of depression.

But I'm just wondering are you getting help for your depression? As much as we'd love it did it doesn't just go away. I'm on anti-depressants and in therapy and hand on heart they are working wonders with me.

Is this something you have considered.

Love to you
Moongal x

my girlfriend is the same age as me 19 and i tried therapy it didn’t work as well as it dose for other people
and i am on anti depressants 2

And do you feel the anti-depressants are working for you? Sometimes it takes a while to find the right ones. And in regard to therapy sometimes it takes a while to find the right therapist, you may not have found them yet. I know it is a slow process, but I also know the cloud of depression and it is horrible.

I think your girlfriend needs to start to educate herself more about depression. Even if she just looked up some things online and I know it is difficult for her too and it would really help her to do a little research.

Keep coming here for support hun
Moongal x

I am on the highest dosage they can give me with one pill

Fireraven I hear you, this depression I have been dealing with has turned my world upside down.
One of the best things I have found though is to simply talk about it! and listen to others. heck find a fun hobby that can help distract you.

Just know that not all the feelings you are feeling while depressed is true feelings. sometimes you gotta put them on the back burner and not let it consume you!

It's also O.K. to cry we are human after all and part of that is displaying emotions.

thx :] o under stand that i help a lot of people with there problems but it is soooo hard to take my own advise